18 May 2010

Clean It - Vacuum Cleaner + Natural Carpet Freshener

This post falls under the fragrance and freebie part of our week.  I am also adding in a Clean It portion.  First of all, I'm cleaning out my vacuum cleaner.  This is something that should be done at least every six months - it's been a bit longer than that for me - gross.  Here are my steps:
  1. Take out filters and wash in Basic H2 and warm water solution (if they are washable) or replace (if they are not).
  2. Remove all hoses, attachments, and canister and spray with Basic H2 and hose down outside - let dry in the sun.
  3. Take vacuum cleaner outside (with everything removed) and spray down with H2.  Wipe down.  
  4. Flip vacuum cleaner over and remove any hair, string, etc. that's caught.  Spray wheels and wipe clean.  Let it sit outside and air dry.
Now, once the vacuum is nice and clean, it's nice to give it a whirl on the carpet and see what it's made of.  I also like nice smelling carpets, but don't use any artificial fragrance in my home, so what's a girl to do?  Make my own, of course!  You can too.  Here's how:

Gather these ingredients
Shaker container, baking soda, all natural, essential oils

Pour baking soda into container

Sprinkle 10-20 drops of essential oils on top of baking soda

Stir with a knife
Add cap and cute label and you are all set!

Please note that essential oils have to be used carefully - there are some essential oils to avoid around children and pregnant women - see a great list here  (lavender and orange are both safe).

This week, I have two other natural home product recipes and freebies to go with them: cute labels (like the one in this post) and a recipe sheet - free printables for you!


    1. Wow, I never thought to do this. Now I'm thinking about our vacuum cleaner and....yuck.

    2. NO WAY! I never thought of making this myself. Definitely going to try... my husband loves that powdered stuff you can buy at the store. So excited to make it myself!!!

      P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog, glad you liked the numbered jars!

    3. OH, MY!
      I am SO glad you came to my blog
      and commented on my IKEA/Atlanta trip-
      I love your blog-
      you are a woman after my own heart!
      I know I will learn lots
      about home making from you!
      I too, use natural cleaners
      and always wondered what the substitute
      for chemical-ed carpet fresheners would be.
      Thank for this tip!
      (I also need to get that vacuum outside
      and air it out-
      do you also take a small scissors
      and cut all the strings
      and hair off the rollers/beaters on the bottom)?
      I wonder, could I use
      crushed, dried lavender instead of oil
      in the baking soda,
      as I have SO much of it growing in my yard?
      What do you think?
      Also, thanks for the tip of dampening
      the leather on my chair
      so I can get the nailhead trim out-
      between you and another blog friend, Doda,
      I may win the fight.
      So, to you today, I say:
      The Lord bless you and keep you as you make your home today :)

    4. Leslie-
      I LOVE the idea of dried lavendar - I have four lavender bushes and will be doing that!

      I use a seam ripper or scissors to cut the hair, etc.

      Thanks for stopping by!

    5. I always use baking sode but hadn't thought to add oils to it. I'll have to try that!

      I found you at Today's Creative Blog!


    6. What a great idea!! I am definitely going to try this. We have a kitty and a doggy and I know anything to help out my carpets is a great thing :) Love your blog!!

    7. Love this recipe; thanks for sharing it!

    8. Great idea. Can't wait to try this.

      I found you via Trifty Home. Hope you will visit me sometimes over at Pittypat Paperie. Diane

    9. Oh funny I'm good about changing the filter in my vaccume but I never thought to wash it down. Good thing I have some Basic H2 in my cupboard. Thanks for the idea!

      PS found you on Blue Cricket Design

    10. Such a neat idea! I usually just use straight up baking soda, but never thought to add a scent to it with the oils! Perfect ;)


    11. love this idea and I'm for sure gonna make it!!
      thanks for linking up to "AP Tuesdays!" I'd love to see you again tomorrow!

    12. I wonder if I can use it with a Dyson? Need to investigate. I remember reading not to use carpet fresheners when I got it.

    13. You can also try using ground cinnamon and cloves with the baking soda. We use lemon essential oil and ground, dried mint in the summer, but switch to cinnamon and cloves in the winter. They make the house smell YUMMY!


    14. One of the most important thing to do, I agree, but always forgotten is cleaning our vacuum cleaners. How can we have cleaner home if our cleaner is the one who needs a thorough cleaning? Yes, we need vacuum cleaning as we need our carpet cleaning. Kansas mothers should be reminded of this thing. Or if they are not that machine techy, they can have it cleaned with the help of their dear husband. Carpet cleaning in Kansas City means real cleaning, not just with the carpets but with the gadgets as well.

    15. ii love vacuum with hand held function


    I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).