I'm curious - do you have a blog? Do you have a set schedule for how and when you write? What do you look for in a blog that you come back to?
I started reading/following a few blogs a couple years ago (Soule Mama, The Pioneer Woman, and Simple Mom). I really enjoyed keeping up with these blogs and seeing what these moms were doing, talking about and their outlook on life in general. But I couldn't figure out how they could possibly find the time to blog amidst all the craziness of raising little kids. Ha!
When I started selling Shaklee, I decided to start a blog as a little creative outlet and as a place where customers could meet me and where we could exchange ideas. My Clean Mama blog has become more than I ever intended it to be, but I really love the teaching aspect of blogging, the process and the creative outlet that it provides.
That being said, without a blogging routine, I think that blogging can overtake a person's life. I don't want my kids to see a computer screen where my face should be and I don't want them to take 2nd or 3rd place to a spot in cyberspace. So I have a blogging routine. I try to get up a little before my kids, I check and answer emails and have a cup of coffee. If there's a party that I'd like to link to, I take care of that. When the kids get up, we eat breakfast and get started on our day. Sometimes I'll check my email mid-morning if there's a lull in activity and the kids are actively engaged in another activity. Both of my kids nap or have rest time from noon until 2 or 3 in the afternoon and that is my blogging and work time. I take care of printable orders, Shaklee customers and I blog. I have found that the best use of my blogging time is to have my blog posts written and ready to post at least a week in advance - I have "skeleton" (no pictures, a little content) posts started up to a month in advance. When the kids get up I have worked, relaxed and hopefully accomplished a few household tasks and a blog post or two. In the evening, after the kids are in bed, I do a little follow-up work and try to be off the computer from 8pm on.
What are your blogging routines? Any good tips? Please share in the comments section!
Need a place to jot down your ideas? I just added these in the printables shop if you're interested.
Here's a quick clean for your computer in honor of Blogging Routines:
Clear desk/workspace, turn off your monitor and take any paper out of your printer.
Use canned air, Super Microfiber Window Cloth and Basic H2 - all-purpose or window/mirror formulation.
Lightly spray cloth with H2.
Wipe down all surfaces - printer, computer, computer mouse.
And now you are ready for your blogging routine.
Love your printables! :) And I really need to get better about scheduling time to blog. :) For me, it's either all consuming or I skip it for a week at a time - there's got to be a balance! :) Thanks for the motivation! Love your blog, btw!
ReplyDeleteI think you absolutely don't need any advice, you're so organized.
ReplyDeletePersonally I dont' have any schedule and blog only when I feel it.
After all I have no job involved in it, it's my hobby.
I social network in the morning for 1 hour. This is twitter, facebook, e-mail, and leaving comments like this one on blogs and that is is. When The hour is over I am off and get kids up and ready for school. I then "bulk" blog on Tuesdays and Fridays while my older children are at school and my younger one is napping or (because he can see me from his high chair) eating. And if I need I do a little finish work after kids are sleeping. This works well for me. I do pop on to add links to parties, I visit a few of the party links and then am off again in 5-10 minutes. I also find that the more I blog the faster I am at it and all the things that go with it. I love your schedule too, as I am always adjusting, I am taking notes!
ReplyDeleteI really like the idea of bulk blogging, Jessa. I might have to try this for the summer.
ReplyDeleteI have made up my own blog calendar and I blogged about it here!
Sure keeps me on track.
The more I read your blog, the more alike I realize we are! Ha- my blogging routine is nearly identical to yours. I have found out the hard way (after spending hours in front of the computer while my kids play in the background) that I most certainly want to focus on my kids FIRST and my blog AFTER (*not second, because there are a lot more other things that should rank second than my blog!;).
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day!
k seriously I think I am in love with you. I am a first timer to your BLOG and I LOVE IT!!!! I love your organization and THANKS for sharing. Me and my sisters share a creative blog... gorgfabgoodies.blogspot.com and I am going to do a organized/summer themed day and I'm totally going to send peeps your way...THANKS