I'm super excited to do a new theme every day for the summer - if I like it and you, the readers like it, I'll probably continue with it - you know I love routine! The themes are on the sidebar - that way you know what days to come back for based on your interests - hopefully it's all interesting to you! I strive to give you a take-away every day - something to try in your home, with your family.
Here are the daily themes and a little explanation of each:
Mondays - Messy Monday (fun art project to do with your kids)
Tuesdays - In the Craft Room (projects for and from my craft room - Mommy projects)
Wednesdays - Homekeeping Wednesdays (ideas for keeping a home)
Thursdays - In the Kitchen (recipes, ideas, tips for meal planning)
Fridays - In the Garden (gardening ideas and tips)
Weekends - etc. (sponsor spotlights, announcements, contests, favorite idea websites/blogs)
This weekend's etc. post is simple - I am offering my sponsor spots for one more week at the discounted rate of $5/ 2 months. If you do a giveaway, it's 3 months for $5! Check it out here.
Did you see my Shaklee June special? You can join for FREE with 50 PV (point value assigned to each product - add products to your cart and you'll see the PV). This is a $19.95 value - and it is a lifetime membership that will give you 15% off Shaklee products for life. I also always have another special with a new membership so this month you can get free membership AND another discount. Check it out here. Contact me if you have any questions! If you need some extra income and want to sell some awesome products, there are some great incentives this month for new distributors - contact me and I can help you out!
See you on Monday! Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for all of the ideas! My girls are off of school in a couple of weeks (year round school) and I am actually sitting down today to make a plan! I love your blog anyways, and now I have a go to for crafts and other ideas! THANK YOU!!!