11 June 2010

Hosta Love

Anyone else out there love Hostas?  I realized that I have a problem when my two year old started pointing out Hostas on a walk.  I guess he's heard me identify them a time or two.  Not that that's a bad thing....

My favorite Hosta is this one - I love how it's a blue green color and has huge leaves.
photo from White Flower Farms

Here are a couple ways that I bring my Hosta love indoors:

I cut the leaves and arrange them in a vase to add a pop of green on my mantel and around the house in cute little vases.  

Hosta leaves typically last about a week in fresh water, indoors.

I mix them in with flowers from my garden to add a little greenery and interest to a bouquet.

*When arranging flowers, use odd numbers (3 hosta leaves, 5 peonies) it's a little design trick that transfers over nicely to arranging just about everything, including bouquets*

I'm linking this up to some great parties.


  1. I love hostas and peonies! Thanks for the floral arranging tip!

    Visiting from New friend Fridays-

  2. Good tip with the flower arranging, I love hostas! I might have to acquire some, so addictive...

  3. I love hostas! The best part is that they are sooooo easy to grow! Great tip of using the leaves with the peonies.

  4. I love hostas too! My blue elephant ear hostas (like your pic) are big enough now that I think I can divide them this fall - making even MORE spots of hosta. :-)

  5. I would have never thought to cut my hostas and bring inside!! Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  6. I am following your blog now. Found you on Social Parade. Have a great weekend!

  7. I love hostas; unfortunately, so do deer!

  8. Very pretty pictures!

    (visiting from nff)

  9. Mmmm! Those strawberries below are making me hungry ;) Cute blog! I also work for a Health & Wellness company! Following you from FMF! Would love to have you stop by my blog sometime. Blessings!

  10. Love hostas - One of my favorites! I never thought about bringing them indoors! Looks so pretty! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn


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