24 October 2010

Come On In

image credit - nuttakit / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

November and December are months busy with family and friends, holidays and travel.  Hopefully you've added a bit of Homey Goodness this month to your home and feel like getting ready for the upcoming busy-ness that November and December typically bring.  I'm going to be doing a lot around my home to get ready for this time - today I'm going to share a couple things that we can be doing to get ready for the last weeks of 2010.

Establish a plan for cleaning and stick to it (here's where I talk about mine) - this will eliminate last minute cleaning and for me, if I know that my house is semi-picked up, I am more likely to open it up to last-minute guests.

Clean out the refrigerator - take everything out, and really CLEAN it (how I clean my refrigerator)

Clean out the freezer - (how I clean out my freezer)

These are four ways that I start to prepare my home for the holidays - once these four tasks are in place, it's so much easier to say "come on in" to guests and to start cooking ahead for the holidays.

Are you doing anything to get ready for the holidays?

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