06 December 2010

It's White and Red and Christmas All Over

My Christmas theme this year?  EASY and RED and WHITE.  Here are a couple little spots I've been working on.
family room tree (we have a living room tree too - it's the "see it from the street" tree)

snow globes - anyone else have an obsession?

simple mantle decorations

Do you decorate with a theme or use what you have?  I'm using the use what you have and accentuate red and white theme this year.

Join the party here!


  1. I don't buy decorations -- I only use what has been given to me. Unfortunately, it's been so long that most of them are not with me anymore. So decorations are sparse this year. But if they have a theme it's red and gold!

  2. I love what you've done with your decorations! We have a new, bigger tree this year and I'm finding I have too much tree and not enough decorations! I'm using what I have but I've added several things during the last year. I love the old-fashioned look so I pick things up at garage sales and thrift stores. Think I need to head to my nearest thrift store for more for the tree. I'm trying to keep it simple - and pretty much red and white, too.

  3. The tree looks great. I like where you've hung your stockings. I'm using what I have this year also. Not much new. There's a lot more nostalgia that way.

  4. I am obsessed with snow globes!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).