28 September 2011

Have You Tried This?

A couple weekends ago, I was at a furniture store buying a floor model bed.  There were a couple scratches in the wood and I asked the clerk if she had anything to cover the scratches up. 

She went in the back and came back with this:
Have you tried it?  Seen it?  I couldn't believe how well it covered up the scratches on the bed.  I was so impressed that I went home and picked up a bottle at Target (under $5) to use around my home.  I've tried it on a couple spots - and it works amazingly well. 
It also comes in a light wood variation as well.
Have you tried this stuff?  What do you use to cover scratches in wood around your home?



  1. I have a bottle of the dark and the light polish. I use them once or twice a year to cover scratches and shine things up. I love them. They are a great buy as a bottle lasts me several years.

  2. Yep! I've been using it for years. It is great.

  3. "...have been known to use a brown Sharpie,"she sheepishly remarked.

  4. my mom had a house that was completely trimmed out in dark wood - it was tired and scratched up, but after we used this it all looked like new!

  5. Might have to try that on our hardwood floors!

  6. Was telling my mom today that there was a scratch on our hardwood, should have known she would tell me to use the above... growing up, seemed like she thought it cured everything!

  7. THANK YOU! I must try this!!

  8. I have tried this - it is AMAZING! I can't believe how nice it makes scratched up wood look. :)


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).