11 September 2011

New In The Shop

It's been crazy around here the past few weeks - I'm looking forward to getting into a fall routine and slowing down a bit, maybe.  Blogging has definitely taken a back seat, but I've got a couple fun (and hopefully helpful) posts that I've been working out the details on to share with you soon. 

I have had time to add a couple new special request items to the shop - so for now, I'll leave you with these links:

(perfect for classroom teachers and homeschool teachers)
As a former teacher, this kit was really fun to make - I hope it finds its way into a couple classrooms and makes some teachers really happy!

Great for homekeeping binders and for those of you that want a non-handwritten personal contacts page.  Remember - the light blue portion represents where you can type, and it prints white.


1 comment:

  1. Nothing appeals more the organizing person than sleek printables. Yay!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).