12 October 2011

Day 12

Wednesday's cleaning routine...

Vacuum House
(You can go here if you want to read more about my vacuuming routine.)
And the rest of the day's tasks...

Sweep Floors
(this doesn't need to necessarily be done if you do a good vacuuming)

Wipe counters
(wipe down kitchen counters, make sure sink is clean and dishes are in/out of dishwasher)

(quick declutter of any areas that need it - mail, toys, shoes, clothes, etc.)

(do at least one load every single day)

So tell me, how's the routine coming along?


  1. ohhh, I almost forgot to put my load of laundry in, thanks for the reminder. Habits are so hard to start sometimes!!!! I really like this routine cause it focus on my stress spot, the floors. I can have loads of stuff piled on tables and couches and beds but oh if the floor gets dirty or cluttered, I'm a mess myself!!!!

  2. Laundry and dishes piled up on Monday and Tuesday, and since I'm home sick today I'm able to catch up. Keeping the floors and counters clean is a cinch!

  3. I love you clean Mama! You are getting me in order....which is something I need!

  4. I have pretty much given up on any cleaning since I started working full-time, outside of the home. I have been paying my daughter to keep the order while I'm away and then I tackle a couple of cleaning projects on my days off. I sure do enjoy keeping up with your routine though. It gives me a sense of order.

  5. I am much more motivated to clean now! I actually vacuumed upstairs which I usually don't do! It's nice to spread out the BIG chores. I used to do bathrooms, vacuuming, floors, all in one day. BIG mistake! I was able to vacuum in less than 15 min.


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).