21 October 2011

Day 21

Want to continue with this cleaning routine?  The November Cleaning Schedules are in the shop if you are interested!


I menu plan and grocery shop on Fridays, but since this is all about establishing a cleaning routine, I left that off of the agenda for Fridays. So, use today as a catch-up day, a day to tackle a deep cleaning task, or try doing a menu plan if you haven't tried one. If you are looking for a menu planning system that really works, I have a Menu Planning Kit in my shop that you might like. And here's a post on how I made my recipe binder if you're interested.
Are you getting used to the routine yet? Here's the rundown for today....
Sweep Floors
(quick sweep of any hard floors that need it - I concentrate on my kitchen)

Wipe counters
(wipe down kitchen counters, make sure sink is clean and dishes are in/out of dishwasher)

(quick declutter of any areas that need it - mail, toys, shoes, clothes, etc.)

(do at least one load every single day)

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for next week's cleaning routine freebie printable.

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