31 October 2011

Day 31

Can you believe that today is the last day of 31 Days to a Cleaning Routine?  Hopefully you were able to establish a couple good habits and are well on your way to a great routine.  THANK YOU for coming here every day and trying out some new cleaning techniques/routines/habits.  Tomorrow I have a fun giveaway here on the blog in conjunction with The Nester's Giveaway Day that you might want to come on back for.  Then next week I also have a couple cleaning routine wrap-up posts as well.

This week's free printable cleaning schedule is here if you didn't already grab it.....

Clean Bathrooms
(see this post if you want to know how I clean my bathrooms - another way I save time with the bathrooms is that I wash the bathroom floors on my floor washing day)

Sweep Floors
(quick sweep of any hard floors that need it - I concentrate on my kitchen)

Wipe counters
(wipe down kitchen counters, make sure sink is clean and dishes are in/out of dishwasher)

Clutter (quick declutter of any areas that need it - mail, toys, shoes, clothes, etc.

Laundry (do at least one load every single day)


  1. Wow, its over already?!?! What a great month I had!!!! It is so nice to wake up each morning and know that my house is not going to take over!!!! Thanks for helping keep the sanity around here!!!

  2. Hey we do commercial cleaning out of Arizona and just wanted to let you know that your blog is supremely excellent and has great article. Everyday people definitely need this information and we appreciate you taking the time to write it for them, keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you, Becky! You made this a great month. I'm not quite on top of all my routines, but I will be soon. I'm trying to juggle a 3 year old and 6 month old. Looking forward to more fun things on your blog. I LOVE to clean!

  4. Thank You Becky! I have so enjoyed the many new tips I have learned on your blog. I inherited a dirty old house and it is starting to sparkle. It all started with how to clean hardwood floors. Keep up the great ideas!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).