05 October 2011

Day 5

A little 'housekeeping'.....I finally figured out how to change the time that feedburner sends out my blog posts. It's now 7-9am CST, so if you haven't added Clean Mama to your feeds, you might want to do that so you have the day's cleaning routine in your inbox in the morning. Yay!

And now onto Wednesday's cleaning routine...
Vacuum House
I have a Bissell Healthy Home vacuum cleaner - it has great attachments and does a great job. I also just purchased a Hoover MultiCyclonic Canister  vacuum cleaner that I love - my preschooler loves using it in the kitchen and family room, too!  I do corners and edges each week to keep up with the dog hair, crumbs, and whatever else may lurk. I also vacuum corners in the bathrooms and hardwood floors - this helps out with my floor washing on Thursdays.
So how about you - any "fun" vacuuming tips?
And the rest of the day's tasks...
Sweep Floors
(this doesn't need to necessarily be done if you do a good vacuuming)
Wipe counters
(wipe down kitchen counters, make sure sink is clean and dishes are in/out of dishwasher)
quick declutter of any areas that need it - mail, toys, shoes, clothes, etc.)
(do at least one load every single day)

New here?  Make sure you grab a printable for the week.  (There will be a new printable each week for you to follow along with.)
Want to see what we've been up to so far?
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

Thank you again for joining in on the fun - I hope you are starting to see some progress in your cleaning routine!


  1. My kids play "the vacuum game" which basically means they scream and run away from me pretending the vacuum is going to get them. They love it. ;)

    And for whatever reason, I bombed out on dusting yesterday. But today, I'm gonna get it done!


  2. When I am in a time crunch and need to get dusting done, I use the brush attachment from my vacuum cleaner and it gets rid of the evidence quickly, lol.

  3. Our rental has wall to wall carpet (yuck) in every room except the kitchen and baths, so unfortunately vacuuming is on my daily list (mainly in the living room and high traffic area's, with pets and kids and lots of traffic, its a must for me) but once a week a move furniture and vacuum base boards and uder beds, etc, so i guess i can make THAT my wednesday chore :)

  4. A perfect day for vacuuming! My littles are sick, which means we eat our snacks in the living room - cheerios & crumbs everywhere. (Don't get me wrong, I would have vacuumed no matter what) :)

  5. I am jumping in on this challenge. Do you suggest I just start with Day 5?

    Looking forward to the challenge!

  6. Hi Ames-

    Welcome! Just start on Day 5 :)
    xo, Becky

  7. Hey there! Great topic! :) I will be touching on cleaning routines within my 31 days series as well.

    I be sure to come back for more tips and refer some of my reader friends your way as well!




I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).