04 November 2011

Cleaning Routine Wrap-Up

After 31 straight days of getting started on a cleaning routine, today I'd like to share some simple cleaning routine tips with you hopefully inspire you to continue what you started.  THANK YOU again for coming here every day this past month and cleaning along with me - I hope it was a helpful starting point for you.

So here are a couple thoughts on a cleaning routine....

Just Start
Start with a whole routine or just one thing - you know your personality and what will work for you.  If you would do better by just adding one little thing and changing your routine slowly, start there.

Start Small
Add a little bit at a time - don't try to clean your home from top to bottom in a day or week - you'll get frustrated - start with little things (like a load of laundry every day) that you can do every day to build up consistency. 

Don't Try To Play Catch Up
If you are sick or super busy with work, kids, whatever, and you miss a day, don't try to catch up.  Just start over on the next day.

Figure Out a System That Works for You
Do you work Monday through Friday?  Or maybe you're a stay at home mom, but Mondays and Tuesdays are completely filled with activities and running all over.  Maybe those days are better for just the basics (like wiping down counters and loading and unloading the dishwasher and sink daily) and you do the majority of your cleaning on Saturday mornings.  Be realistic and don't set unattainable expectations for yourself.

Keep Track of Your Cleaning In a Cute Way
A cute checklist can help keep you on track - laminate your list and use a fine tip marker to track your progress for the week or month.

I have a couple cleaning routine solutions in my shop if you are interested in starting/continuing a cleaning routine.  This is where I keep track of monthly and seasonal tasks that I rotate through every month or season.   More on this in a couple days...
The New Cleaning Kit - 5 documents

If you want an editable document that you can adjust according to your cleaning routine and busy schedule, I have The Editable Monthly Cleaning Checklist.

The Editable Seasonal Deep Cleaning Checklist - perfect for keeping track of seasonal cleaning tasks and chores.

And for those of you that like a new monthly cleaning chart each month, I have the Monthly Cleaning Checklists - each one follows my system and has the rotating chores at the bottom and a spot for you to write in any special organizing tasks you may have around your house.

Here's the Cleaning Schedule for November - (I usually each month's checklist in the shop by the last week of the previous month):


  1. I just started a cleaning routine and what a difference it has made! I feel like I have so much more free time and even posted about it on my blog (http://theoneandlonelyparent.blogspot.com/2011/10/week-of-firsts.html) and referenced your site...to all 2 of my readers! Ha! I'm new to the blogging world...
    Anywho, kudos for the wonderful advice!

  2. what cleaning products do you use? I try to use as many natural products as possible but get worried that the ones that say they are "natural" really aren't. Thanks:)


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