30 December 2011

5 Things To Do Every Day

Wow!  I am so excited to start 'Clean and Organized 2012' on January 2nd.  and I can tell that you are too!  You can go here to see what it's all about - spread the word and get ready to get your home in tip-top shape. 

Today, I'd like to share 5 things that I do everyday that I think  make homekeeping easier and more enjoyable.  They are five habits that are easy to make, but it takes consistency and a committment to actually keep them.  If you've seen my dockets and planners, the first four things are done every day in my home.  We'll be doing these things every day for the month of January.  It's up to you how you want to implement them in your home, but that's part of what January is about - making a cleaning routine fit into your life and become part of what you do. 

  1. Laundry - do at least one load a day.  When laundry is done every day, the loads are smaller and more manageable - no more mountains of laundry.
  2. Clutter - I do a quick de-clutter every day.  This usually consists of opening mail, filing bills, and a couple quick counter clean ups.  The kids do a quick toy clean up (with some help and reminding) a couple times a day.
  3. Counters - wipe down counters.  The kitchen counters get wiped down as needed after meals and dishes are put in the dishwasher.  No dishes piled up on the counters (most of the time) really helps the overall cleaned up look of the kitchen.  I also wipe down bathroom counters as needed during the week.
  4. Sweep Floors - as needed, usually after meals, I do a quick sweep of the kitchen floor.  Sometimes the kids do this with a little hand broom for me, other times we get out the big broom and dust pan.  This keeps the floors clean during the week and in between weekly vacuuming and floor washing.
  5. Write it down/Keep track of what you need to do and what has been done - Don't underestimate the power of a to do list!  Whether you are writing things down in a simple notebook or if you've created a homekeeping binder, keeping track of your household tasks is a great way to see what you've already accomplished and what you need to do next.  Looking to create a homekeeping binder?  You can check out my Clean Mama Printables shop, The Starter Kit is a great tool to help you with your homekeeping. 
How about a little subway art for cleaning and organizing inspiration?  Here's a freebie printable for you - put it on your 'fridge, behind glass, use it as your desktop pattern....
See you on Monday, January 2nd for the start of 'Clean and Organized 2012' !  I'll have a freebie printable of the plan for the whole month AND a deep cleaning document for the week for one area of your home. 

 Happy Clean and Organized New Year!


  1. Thank you, Becky! I'm really looking forward to getting routines in place. I love your blog!

  2. I think I'm gonna love this, you are so speaking my language!!

  3. I'm on board:) Thank you so much for doing this!

  4. How corny is it that I am super excited to start this?!

  5. Oh, I love this!! I have my areas that are always kept clean and neat (kitchen, bathrooms) but I need a little motivation for the areas that don't get that attention.

  6. Love your blog! Just grabbed your button and did a quick blurb about it on my blog. You are an inspiration!

  7. So excited to start this with you :). I am blogging along as well :)


  8. Just found your blog and I love it! :)

  9. can't thank you enough, gonna stick to this for sure for 2012....my sincere appreciation for your advice, printables, and inspiration. Wishing you a VERY Happy New Year. I'm pumped thanks to YOU>

  10. I just have to say that as a work at home mom myself I am so excited about your blog! Can't wait to get started!

  11. I can't get the printable to download. Am I doing something wrong?

  12. A routine always works for me as well. Make one and stick to it.

  13. Your blog and printables have been such a huge help as I am in the process of organizing our home! Thank you for all that you do.

    This subway art is adorable - but I'm having some trouble printing it. Although I can see the word "comfortable" it does not show up when I print it. All the other words show up just fine. Any suggestions?

  14. Hi Sharon-
    YOu might need to download the latest version of Adobe Reader (free):

    If that doesn't work, email me and I'll send you a pdf - it might have soemthing to do with Googledocs.
    xo, Becky


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).