27 January 2012

Clean + Organized - Pinterest Project

This week's Pinterest Organizing project was some art supply 'kits' for my kiddos.  This keeps the projects contained and more interesting to them because the supplies aren't out all the time, keeping them special. 

Here are a couple art supply ideas that I pinned on Pinterest:

Source: bhg.com via Becky on Pinterest

Cute right?

I found these boxes at Target - $5.99 for 5 of them.  The flat boxes on top were a different price - I'm going to use them for coloring books, papers, etc. 
The colors are already the accent colors in the craft room, so these were a great find.

The kids and I sorted out some of their special (not every day) art supplies.  Put them into bins and then I made labels for them.  I used 3x5 Avery Labels then I went to the Avery website and created these labels in minutes.

A simple, but fun little organizing project.
Anyone working on Pinterest projects this week? 


  1. awesome ,that is great idea !!

  2. awesome ,that is great idea !!

  3. awesome ,that is great idea !!

  4. You have motivated me to tackle my kids craft supplies! Thanks!

  5. I have those same two craft storage ideas pinned, myself =) Time to DO something about them!

  6. I just ran across your blog today and absolutely love it. I am starting a pinterest challenge and thought you had a printable for your pinterest projects but got to see lots of other great things instead. I am adding your button to my site because I just love it here.. I love how clean your blog is haha. No pun intended:)) K


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