11 January 2012

Clean + Organized - Questions

Today's task is to vacuum - you can head back to last week's post for a little more detail if you'd like, but today I'm going to answer some frequently asked questions. 

When do you clean?  I use a 'pick up as you go' method, so it seems like I'm cleaning and picking up all day long sometimes, but it works the best for our family.  As for the daily and weekly tasks, I get up early and start a load of laundry, pick up a little here and there, and try to do some cleaning at that point while the house is quiet.  My kids help when it's appropriate (pretend vacuum, little dusters, cleaning cloths).

I can't do your routine with my job outside of the home.  Any suggestions?  My clean a little bit every day method may be harder at first, but when you keep it up, it's easier, because everything is cleaner and easier to maintain.  You might not like the clean a little bit every day method - a once-a-week method might be better for you.  I find that when I clean once a week, the house looks great for one day and then it's 'trashed' the rest of the week.  By cleaning a little bit everyday the house isn't perfect, but I could whip it into shape if someone were dropping by.  So my suggestion?  Do what works for your family.  Find a routine that works and stick with it until it isn't working anymore. 

How much time do you spend cleaning?   15-20 minutes a day.  I also do at least one load of laundry every day and that takes another 15-20 minutes.  My kiddos are learning how to fold and put away their clothes, so that increases or decreases that time, depending on the day.

Is your house ever messy?   Yep. 

Any questions you'd like me to answer in the comments? 
How's the routine working for you?


  1. I'm getting into the routine! I actually vaccumed up last night at 9:00! My SO thought I was crazy, but it needed to get done badly! I've tried other cleaning routines and I really like your simplified approach!

  2. Do you seriously only vacuum once per week? Currently, we are dog-free, and I still have to vac daily. When we had our Newfoundland Dog--I vac'd twice per day. I've been sick the past 4 days and so nobody has vacuumed and the house looks like it! I should add-we're a "shoes off at the front door" family, but my kids are always into glitter and cutting and string and yarn....

  3. Hi Dorothy!
    I vacuum the entire house on Wednesdays - our main living areas are hardwood, so I spot sweep and/or vacuum as necessary. We are a shoes off family, but we do have a dog, so I find myself spot vacuuming corners during the week.
    xo, Becky

  4. I've always wondered... How does one justify being a "shoes off" family when you have a dog?

  5. Anonymous-
    Dogs are dirty, yes, but having a shoes off policy limits dirt that's tracked in. I guess I should have clarified that it's a shoes-off preference. We have a mudroom and kennel for our pooch, so she doesn't have free reign all the time of our house that helps, especially during muddy seasons.
    xo, Becky

  6. The 15-20 minutes a day is what I needed to hear. But basically it is 30-40 minutes a day. For me the obstacle isn't just working outside of the home but it is being a teacher and being physically exhausted.every.single.day. Right now I am decluttering 15 min. a day. I am going to work myself into a 30-40 min. a day cleaning/laundry plan that I can live with. Thanks for being so inspirational!!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).