30 July 2012

Done - zero to done in one month

Two years ago in August I had a big to do list (called a done! list) and needed to force myself to get it all completed.  So I blogged about it and you guessed it, I got most of it done.  The list was long and I had a lot more spare time that summer, but I think I'm up for a little list and I'd love it if you joined me.  It'll be simple - pick a few things that you need to hunker down and do (tiny, huge, small, big) - write them down and work your way through your list until it's 'done!' .   I'll blog through the progress and mark a big checkmark next to each item on my list.

Here's my done! list (in case you're curious):

The done! list only has 10 spaces, but I know my limits and time and am wanting to really focus on these six to dos.  Maybe you only have one thing that you want to get done this August or maybe you have 30 - the point is to write it down, tell someone you're doing it and just get it over with.

Want to join me?  Or just want the checklist?  You can go here to grab it - let's get some stuff done!

Want to see some of my favorite done! posts from two years ago?


  1. LOVE this. I have SO many "to do" list and feel SO ,,,, unproductive when 1 of 8 of those things are done but there's 12 other things NOT on the list I DID get done. Ugh!!!!

  2. I have been following you for about two weeks now. A quote from my husband "I am not sure who this CleanMama person is, but I really like her" Love your blog!

  3. What a great idea. I love calling it a "Done" list instead of a "To Do" list!

  4. Thanks for the cool list- will definitely be used in my house. Now, on to an important question- that looks like a really cool pen/marker! What kind is it? (I am a teacher and have a slight obsession with pens...) :)

    1. It's a Bic Mark-It Ultra Fine Point (permanent, and NO smell!) - I got them at Target, but here's a link via Amazon:

    2. Yes, it is a cool pen! I just might have to get a couple myself!

  5. oh gosh!! Thank's very very much =)))
    It's a pity that in France we do not have and I am bad in document then thank you again!!
    You are looked;)
    by France

  6. i LOVE your lists! i use them all the time. just wanted to let you know that these are awesome!

  7. Great idea! I am printing it out and writing my list - it feels so good when we get things accomplished!

  8. What a great idea, I love to do lists! I can't wait to use this one and join you in getting some things done!!! I'll probably blog about it!! lol should be fun. Thanks for the list :)

  9. Great idea!!Thanks for the list. I'll print it and do it like you.

  10. What is the pen you use in the picture? I love it!

    1. It's a Bic Mark-It Ultra Fine Point (permanent, and NO smell!) - I got them at Target, but here's a link via Amazon:

  11. I had hoped that my summer would be productive will all 3 kids in camp. I got some things done, but not as much as I had hoped. My project list is way behind. Time to get back on track before school starts up again.

    Thanks for the printable. It's going in the front of my binder.

  12. Doing this for sure!! My 'to do' list is way too long and stressing me out. Time to pull out the Done! list. Thanks!

  13. I love this! All of your tips and everything is amazing! Thank-you!!!

  14. I printed mine on bright pink paper so that I can't miss it while walking through the kitchen...nothing like a little pink to brighten your day and get your motivated! :)

    Thank you for all your awesome printables and fun posts!

    Momma Goose

  15. Love this! We just moved halfway across the country, so this is PERFECT. :) Can't wait to get started.


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).