02 July 2012

How to Wash Hardwood Floors with Vinegar

I don't mind washing floors, it's instant gratification in the cleaning department and the biggest annoyance about it is moving furniture and the not walking on it until it's dry part.  But...I've been struggling with my hardwoods (I know, not important in the scheme of things, but humor me).  When I say struggling, I mean that I feel I've tried just about every natural (and sort of natural) cleaning technique and tool known to hardwoods and while my floors look clean, I have never been completely happy with the finished results.  But...I'm a busy mom, and I like to clean in a hurry and get it over with and get on with my life, so I just washed them the best I could in the shortest amount of time and moved on.  I just felt like I always had some type of residue or something remaining on the floor - I chocked it up to juice, cereal, play-doh, dog slobber... 
But the curiousity got the better of me and I tried washing my hardwoods the 'really old-fashioned way'.  On my hands and knees and with hot water and vinegar.  First of all, I will tell you that I hate the smell of vinegar and smelling like a pickle, so that is why it has taken me so long to get to the point of actually trying to clean my floors this way.   But I gutted it out and guess what?  My floors have never looked cleaner and they stay cleaner for longer.  I had to change the bucket three times as I was washing my floors.  I know that they weren't that dirty (because I wash them once a week), but I think that there was residue built up from the cleaners that was attracting dirt.  Now when I wash them, I don't need to rinse the bucket more than once or twice.
I would rather not wash my floors on my hands and knees, but the results were so great that it's hard not to.  I used a microfiber cloth, wrung almost dry, a little bucket with warm water and white vinegar (you don't need to use 'cleaning' vinegar, this is just what I grabbed at the store).  The correct ratio of water to white vinegar is 1/2 cup white vinegar to 1 gallon of warm/hot water.  You could use a mop and bucket or a microfiber mopping pad.  I'll be experimenting with the vinegar and water mixture in my refillable mop with microfiber pad, but for now I really enjoyed washing my hardwoods the old-fashioned way. 
Tell me - have you been washing your hardwood floors with vinegar all along?  What's your favorite method and cleaner for your floors? 


  1. Becky, I wash mine with hot water and vinegar (and a few drops of lemon essential oil to kill the vinegar smell) but I use a microfiber mop like this one: http://www.rubbermaid.com/Category/Pages/ProductDetail.aspx?Prod_ID=RP091920.

    Got mine at Target and I love it! Much easier than doing it by hand. :)


    1. Hi Jamie!
      I have that mop and was thinking of trying it this week for my floor washing. I'll have to add the essential oil to reduce the pickle smell :) Great tip, thanks!
      xo, Becky

  2. I've used vinegar in the past on my hardwoods. I normally mix it up in a spray bottle and use a Swiffer with a microfiber cloth on the end instead of the throw aways that come with the swiffer ( if that makes sense). Vinegar and water can be used for so much too! Windows especially! I remember a neighbor using it for his outdoor windows with a squeegee!

    1. That's a great technique Felicia! I like the idea of using a swiffer that way too!
      xo, Becky

  3. I've heard and read that vinegar will eventually begin to remove the finish from your floors, dulling their appearance, due to its acidity. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. Hi Kelli!
      In my research, I found that if you have pre-finished (that's what we have) OR finished hardwoods, the vinegar/water solution is the best way to care for them. It's important though to make sure your ratio of vinegar to water is correct and to use a barely wet application so the finish doesn't have standing water on it at all. If you have waxed hardwood floors vinegar/water isn't the best cleaning technique because the vinegar can remove the wax.
      xo, Becky

    2. My husband spent 2 years installing hardwood floors (real ones, that are sanded and finished) ... he says vinegar and water is the ONLY way to effectively/safely clean them. Stay away from 'Bona' like products.

  4. I switch between using hot water and a touch of dish detergent and hot water/vinegar in my spray mop on my floors. I find the detergent helps get the kids spills up better, but this gets them overall cleaner.

    Where is the cute little white bucket/tub from?

    1. Hi Leigh!
      That's a good idea to switch with the detergent. The bucket is from The Container Store (I have a bunch of them they're great!)

    2. Perfect. I am going there tomorrow.

  5. Great tips! Thanks Becky & friends! I am going to try this. I have chemical sensitivities & don't think all that chemical stuff is good for anyone.--Pam

  6. I use the hot water and vinegar with a touch of dishsoap on my tile floors as well. It works great. Every once in a while I get down on my hands and knees, but mostly I use the Sh-Mop.Here is a link


  7. I use Murphy Oil Soap (concentrate diluted with water as indicated on the package) on my hardwood floors for routine cleaning. I use a vinegar water solution if there's a big mess to clean/disinfect.

  8. can you do this on Laminate hardwood flooring?

    1. Yes...it's the same proportions of water to vinegar. You can also mix up 1/3 water, 1/3 vinegar, and 1/3 rubbing alcohol with a drop or two of dishsoap for a laminate floor cleaner as well.
      xo, Becky

  9. This came just in time! We just had new hardwood floors installed in our kitchen and I've never had real hardwoods before. On my own, I never would have thought I could use vinegar and water on them but now I know I can (very dilluted of course). Do you use any floor shining products or do they stay shiny with just the vinegar and water?

    1. Once a year I use the Bona Floor Refinisher in glossy - it's a safe, water based polyurethane, but if your floors are brand new I'd just use the vinegar until you need a shine. You should be good for a few years at least.
      xo, Becky

    2. This may see like a dumb question, but I am new to wood floors. Do you have your hardwood floors sanded each time before you add another coat of Bona Floor Refinisher? And you do this every year, just so your floors stay nice and shiny?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I have a mop similar to yours without the spray feature. It's must a microfiber cloth on a stick pretty much.

    My entire house is laminate flooring, except my kitchen and bathrooms, which are tile. I have a lot of mopping to do around here.

    I put the hot water and vinegar in a spray bottle, spray the floor, and use my mop! I keep a separate microfiber cloth handy to scrub tough spots by hand.

    My floors are left looking and feeling clean. The vinegar smell is fairly mild and only lasts for a short time.

    1. Agreed, the vinegar smell is gone once it's dry. I like your idea of having a microfiber cloth handy for the tough spots.
      xo, Becky

  12. Now, that spray bottle idea is a great one! That's what I'll do...I already have a new microfiber mop.


  13. We have always used vinegar and water - it was a tip from our hardwood floor installer when the floors were put in.

  14. Becky, we have been in our house for a year and a half. We have bamboo floors but aren't sure what kind of finish (or if there even is one) on our floors. So it's hard to know how to care for them. Is there a way we can tell??

    LOVE you blog, by the way. Thanks for all you do :)

    1. Do you have a sample piece/scrap of the wood that you could bring to a wood floor store and have them take a peek at it?
      xo, Becky

  15. totally did this today and you are right!

  16. osmenage

    vinegar and water still still doing the job i think :P

  17. Have you ever used a steam mop? I am wondering if maybe I can either add a tablespoon of vinegar to my steam mop or how it compares?

  18. I personally use tiny bit of washing powder, some lemon juice and essential oils works wonder with vinegar. Vinegar is very useful for removing even pale and strong stains off the floor.

  19. Vinegar is also my recipe of cleaning. It works great for any type of hard cleaning. And it’s also very easy to apply!!

  20. You can also use freshly brewed tea for your wooden furnishings. In one liter of water, boil a couple of teabags. Once it cools down, dip a soft cloth and wipe it on the dirty surface.

  21. Useful post. In fact vinegar with warm water can be used also to clean chocolate and sauce stains.

  22. I suggest this technique to a lot of my customers who are frustrated with basic day to day cleaning.


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