05 September 2012

31 Days to a Clean House

Just popping in today to tell you about a fun little project that I'm participating in for the whole month of October.  The Nester at The Nesting Place is once again blowing up the blogosphere with her 31 Days Project.  The idea is to pick a topic and blog about it for 31 days straight.  The Nester introduces the idea here and has free buttons and more info here.  Last year I did 31 Days to a Cleaning Routine as my topic and it was a great experience of blogging and discipline.  It is difficult to write continuously on one topic, but to couple that with 31 days straight - yikes!  Regardless, I'm doing it again and would love it if you gear up to clean right along with me. 
A couple promises for you - I'll still have the Clean + Organized cleaning schedule/routine for October and if you commit to following along, your house will be sparkling clean in NO MORE than 10-15 minutes a day.  (And yes, there will be a printable or two to go along with the project to give us all that great satisfaction that a little check mark on a checklist can bring.
So...anyone doing their own 31 days project?  Or want to participate with mine?  Pin, post to Facebook, tweet...gear up for the cleanest house you've ever lived in!


  1. awesome! wow..i don't know what i would write about for thirty one days straight...worth a try though!!

  2. I am going to be cleaning right along with you! I can't wait!!!

  3. This is just what I need!! Baby #3 is on the way due November, and I need to get this house in tip top shape!!

  4. I loved your 31 Days last year, it really helped me get a great morning routine down!!!!! I start every day off with a load of laundry, can't wait to join in, in October!!!!

  5. I look forward to your series! I learned so much from you last year and have some routines down pat now! Thanks so much! I love to have a clean home.

  6. I'll be joining you for your series... this house needs a good deep scrubbing! :)

    1. Great! Your house will definitely be scrubbed!

  7. I'm hopping in too! I'd love to have a clean house in time for Diwali! Its like Christmas here in India- the MOST important festival in the year!
    Cheers from India!

  8. I am a mother of 3 littles 5, 4, and 8 mos. So getting my house in shape in 20 min a day would be a blessing beyond belief! Can't wait!

  9. Linked this post to my facebook page. Looking forward to working with you on this project! the idea of a clean and orderly home in 10-15 minutes a day for 31 days is very appealing to me! Thanks Becky!!

    Oh and freebie printables from you. . . SCORE!

  10. Really, I have to wait another month!? I better get started now so I'm in my groove by then! Guess I'll start with last years!

  11. Fun idea. I've needed something like this to get my act together. I've got enough ideas for 15 posts so far, now I just need to come up with a catchy title.

  12. I wanna play. I can give 15 minutes a day easily! My kids will help. They love when I set the timer for them.

  13. I'm with Felicia, I want to join in next month but feel like I need to start now in order to really get a handle on things! Can't wait!!!!

  14. I definitely will be joining in next month. I'm looking forward to your posts!!

  15. 31 days of cleaning?! Why would you do this to yourself?! I am really interested in following the results :))))

  16. I am excited to join you in the 31 days of cleaning this October!!

    :-) Alison

  17. I ready for 31 days of cleaning!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I am looking forward to the 31 days of cleaning for October. Great timing for my "fall cleaning".

  20. Thus is just what I need for my home. I'm going to try it!I got 2kids, a teen of 13yrs and my son of 10yrs. They Don want to help with the cleaning!

  21. Thus is just what I need for my home. I'm going to try it!I got 2kids, a teen of 13yrs and my son of 10yrs. They Don want to help with the cleaning!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).