12 October 2012

Day 12 - 31 Days to a Clean House

It's Day 12 of 31 Days to a Clean House!
I made a printable for us to track our progress, you could just take it and run, but I think you'll like the daily motivation and tips and tricks that this series will provide. So come back every day for the assignment and check off your progress as we go. You can go here to grab the free printable.
If you want to keep up on other daily cleaning tasks using my simple routine you can check out my free October cleaning schedule - to learn more about my cleaning routine and how I make cleaning a little bit every day an easy and manageable thing that we do. I have more free printables here too!

The next few days we'll be cleaning our kitchen appliances - you could do this all in one day, but if you'd like to do a little more thorough job and/or not fall behind on any other tasks, just tackle it along with the schedule. 

Yesterday we cleaned out our refrigerators and today we'll clean out the freezers.
Here's a great info graphic/kitchen cheat sheet that I pinned that talks about how long to keep things in the freezer (among lots of other things):
  • throw away anything old or freezer-burned
  • take the rest of the contents out
  • take out all removable drawers and shelves
  • fill your sink with warm soapy water
  • put the drawers and shelves in soapy sink and let them soak.
  • spray down the inside of the freezer with non-toxic cleaner (because food is coming in contact with this) and wipe clean.
  • put everything back and admire your work!
  • wipe down the outside of your refrigerator and freezer with cleaner - I like a window/mirror microfiber cloth for my stainless steel appliances to get them streak free
Want to start a cleaning routine? Check out my Cleaning Kit for a rotating cleaning schedule and daily tasks that take the 'work' out of cleaning.


  1. Oh man, LOVE it!! And the printables are awesome. Thank you!

  2. Love your site! Really enjoy the simplicity of your cleaning scheduled. It has helped me so much. Is there a way to print out the Kitchen Cheat Sheet? I would love to have this for my kitchen. It is awesome! Thanks for what you do. Have a blessed day!


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