11 September 2009

Calling all Germ-o-phobes

Do you use a paper towel to turn off a public faucet, open door knobs with your sleeve, and fist bump instead of shaking hands?  I do, and I'd say that I'm a classic case of a  mom germ-o-phobe - except for the fist bumping, I do draw the line there.  I have always been paranoid cautious about touching things that everyone else touches (i.e. toilet seats, door knobs, public pens) - I know that I'm not talking clinical germ-o-phobe - just a mom that hates getting sick and hates seeing her little ones not feeling well.  Interestingly enough, the "media" has been talking about ways to stay healthy this flu season and the proper handwashing routine has been demonstrated on a variety of news outlets.  You know the drill:  sing Happy Birthday two times while sudsing up with soap and warm water, using a paper towel to turn off the faucet and to open the bathroom door with as you are leaving.  So I got to thinking that maybe I'm not a germ-o-phobe, but more of a visionary because I've been doing this for years.

Going with the idea that I'm a visionary (hopefully you're picking up on the sarcasm), I'd like to chat about antibacterial products - the hand sanitizers, antibacterial soap, cleaners that disinfect and sanitize.....  I used to use them A LOT.  Then I had a child and started doing some research and realized that they are contributing to health problems and making our bodies resistant to antibiotics.  If you don't believe me look here and here.  If you still don't believe me look here.  So I eliminated anitbacterial handsoap, started using all-natural hand sanitizers and threw out all of my toxic, chemical-laden cleaning products.  Did you know that by wiping down surfaces frequently you are getting rid of germs just as effectively as if you got out your haz mat suit and sanitized that same surface?  However, there are still occasions when I need a disinfectant - raw meat or chicken juice on the counter, toilets, the kitchen sink or when someone is sick and no one wants to get what they have.  There is a natural disinfecting wipe made by Shaklee called Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes.  They clean, disinfect, and deodorize all without a fragrance, bleach or alcohol.  The wipes kill 99.9% of Salmonella and two forms of E. Coli.  When I first started ordering from Shaklee, these wipes were what sealed the deal for me - they speak to my inner germ-o-phobe.


  1. For the last several years, oh probably closer to ten, I've been a frequent hand washer. to the point in which my hands are always chapped during the winter. My family makes fun of me for this, telling me I have an obsession. But, it's only to keep germs away. I urge my kids to wash their hands constantly, and yes, I even wash and open doors and turn off faucets with the paper towel. One more thing I do, that you didnt list, in public places, I do not touch the handle to flush the toilet. I use my foot. =)

    1. Despite this post being rather dated, in relation to the rest of this blog, upon reading this post I immediately had to scroll down and share foot flushing, only to see that the one-and-only-other comment on this post had beat me to it!!!! Thank you Hillbilly Duhn, so glad I am not alone, have been doing this since I was a little girl and is one germ precautionary I will do until I can no longer lift my foot off the floor, which I hope is many many years away!!!! I also tend to use my shoulder or back into the door of a public restroom rather than push it open with my hands, that is of course only when you can’t sneak in behind someone who has opened it ahead of you;)


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