08 September 2009

Can Green Clean?

So.... I started looking for green cleaning products a couple years ago when my firstborn sprayed a "kid safe" Clorox product on her face and I had to call Poison Control.  Fortunately, all she needed was a long bath, but it got me to look under my sinks and I started examining labels.  I couldn't believe what was on the back of the labels and that I never thought to look at them before.  Honestly, I'm more of a germ-o-phobe and was more interested in how many germs it could kill than the safety of the product.

Long story short, I went to my local Whole Foods (love that place) and purchased a small arsenal of safe, green cleaning products.  But, it definitely put a dent in my checkbook debit card.  I used the cleaners, liked some, didn't like others and decided to keep looking.  I did some seaching on the Internet and watched a couple videos and found a company called Shaklee.  After about a month of researching and reading product labels online and contacting a Shaklee representative, I decided to try the products.  After purchasing the products for over a year, and wanting to fill in the gaps in our budget, I decided to sell a product that I love.  If you are looking for a green cleaning routine - check out my business through Shaklee.  I will be showcasing some of my favorite products here on this website as well as a giveaway every now and again.  So keep checking back for homekeeping tips, tricks and great products.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! Not only are Shaklee products safer if accidentially ingested or spilled, but also they don't hurt the planet or the air we breath.
    Looking forward to your future posts.


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