24 September 2009

A Place For Everything and Everything In Its Place

This is my organization motto - it's not a new concept, but it works when you are trying to stash stuff.  One of my favorite things to organize are art supplies.  That's probably the art teacher in me, right?  My kids pull out the art supplies multiple times a day.  Markers, crayons, scissors, glue - the cleanup for this is overwhelming if you don't have a system that works for kids.  Initially I looked around and tried to buy a caddy or container that would work.  Everyhing was either too expensive for me to justify or plastic-y and wouldn't look good just sitting out.  I started thinking about would make a good art caddy for kids.  It had to have all the components accessible, be sturdy, and it should be cute.  So I set out to make my definition of a perfect art caddy for kids - my goal was to make it for about $10 and I came in at about $12.  Pretty good, right?  Here are the supplies that I used:

     *wood lazy susan (unpainted)
     *glazed flower pots
     *scrapbooking paper
     *craft paint
     *mod podge (to seal and protect)
     *glue gun, pencil (to trace paper), scissors

This was fairly simple to make - the hardest part was letting everything dry in between coats.  Once I had it assembled I filled it with some favorite art supplies. Now my kids are able to choose their art medium by simply turning the art wheel instead of climbing on top of the table.  How do you organize art and craft supplies?


  1. You would get along fabulously with my husband! He's the cleaner in our house hold!


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