17 January 2010

Paint and Fabric Swatch Folder

Need a little Zone Cleaning diversion?  Read on....

Anyone out there had this happen to you?  You're at your favorite store - 30 miles away from home - and your favorite bedding/couch/pillow/curtains/towels/whatever are on sale.  You're so excited, but realize you're not sure if it will match your bedroom/living room/kitchen/wherever.  So you either a.) buy it and it clashes terribly so you have to return it, b.) don't buy it and come back only to find it sold, or c.) buy it and it matches perfectly.  I know that in the scheme of things this is really not a big deal, but it has happened to me came up with a fun and cheap way to not let this happen again.

Enter cheap 4 x 6 photo album (like 99 cents cheap).  It can be plain or funky - whatever suits your fancy.  I bought a plain white one and put a picture of the front of our house for the front cover and a picture of a sunset out the back window on the back.  Then in the little picture holder pages, insert paint chip, fabric swatches, wallpaper, and carpet threads.  Toss it in your purse and you'll never be caught unprepared to shop a sale again.


  1. I'm impressed, this is so ingenious and so organized :D

  2. wow, that's a no brainer. it would have saved me many trips to the return aisle in the past. thanks.


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