19 January 2010


First things first, I have five winners to announce for this week.  Email me your street address at clean.mama@yahoo.com if your name is......Pennie Bixler, Erin Bowling, Chrissy Duncan, Sandy Hop, or Amanda Sikes.  I'll get your Basic H2 sample out to you right away! 

Pantry, take two.  So today I am tackling the lower half of the pantry.  Here's my before:

If you notice, the kids' supplies sort of took over the lower two shelves.  I decided to keep their stuff on these shelves, but to organize it a little bit better.    Here's what I did:

Step 1: Set timer for 15 minutes

Step 2: Empty shelves.

Step 3: Quickly sort into three groups (toss, relocate, and put back on shelves).

Step 4: Spray down shelves with Basic H2 (all-purpose formulation) and wipe clean with a rag.

Step 5: Organize the space.....

Time's Up!  Throw away toss bag and put your "relocate" items away.  As a former art teacher, I want my kids to always have art materials available to them.  They can pull out the materials that they want to use and start creating.  I love using my pantry this way because when I'm cooking/cleaning in the kitchen they are drawing and creating and I'm available to assist but they are independently working on their creations.  In the kitchen I keep easy to clean up art and creative materials - crayons, watercolors, markers, colored pencils, felt boards.  Glitter and fingerpaint are hidden for special projects.  I already had boxes to keep school books, coloring books, drawing and watercolor paper in - I re-purposed some boxes and got rid of a couple books that were all filled up.  I had some mason glasses with handles, so I put their colored pencils in one and plain and fancy scissors in another - this way they can grab them themselves.  Books and paper are in one box, Play-doh and tools are in another box, crayons get their own box.  I also hung their little broom/dustpan where they can reach it - if you don't have a little broom/dustpan for your kids, get one.  Kids love to use them to clean up their table messes - crumbs on the floor, cut paper, glitter, whatever.  I also set up a "snack area" for the kids - a Ziploc container that they can pull a quick snack out of and other snack items are on the right hand side.


 And the whole pantry after:

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