15 February 2010

Creating a Crafting Space - Part III - Make an Art Supply Turntable

Gotta love organized art supplies.  That's probably the art teacher in me, right?  My kids pull out art supplies multiple times a day.  Markers, crayons, scissors, glue - the cleanup for this is overwhelming if you don't have a system that works for kids.  Initially I looked around and tried to buy a caddy or container that would work.  Everyhing was either too expensive for me to justify or plastic-y and wouldn't look good just sitting out.  I started thinking about would make a good art caddy for kids.  It had to have all the components accessible, be sturdy, and it should be cute.  So I set out to make my definition of a perfect art caddy for kids - my goal was to make it for about $10 and I came in at about $12.  Pretty good, right?  Here's what you need:  
  • wood lazy susan (unpainted) -  I bought mine at IKEA, but I just saw a slightly smaller one at Target the other day
  • glazed flower pots or aluminum flower pots (I used 6 smaller pots around the outside and one larger one in the middle) - they were on sale for 25 cents each at IKEA when I made this
  • scrapbooking paper - I used coordinating prints
  • craft paint - I like Apple Barrel brand
  • Mod Podge (to seal and protect)
  • glue gun
  • pencil (to trace paper) 
  • scissors
Here's your step by step how-to:
  1. Paint the lazy susan - let dry overnight - you'll probably need 2-3 coats.
  2. Cut circles to go under the flower pots (I turned the pot upside down and traced around the "lip" of the pot for a perfectly proportioned circle to go under the pot).
  3. Spread some Mod Podge under the circles and place where you want them on your painted lazy susan.
  4. Paint 2-3 coats of Mod Podge over the entire surface and underneath the lazy susan - this protects the surface and will keep the paper nicely attached to the lazy susan for years and years to come.  Let dry overnight.
  5. Using superglue or a glue gun to attach the flower pots to the circles.
  6. Fill with art supplies and start creating!

This is fairly simple to make - the hardest part was letting everything dry in between coats.  Now my kids are able to choose their art medium by simply turning the art wheel instead of climbing on top of the table.  How do you organize art and craft supplies?


  1. Good idea... I'm all about organization! I have lots of supplies that need a nice home.

    Talk to you later ;)
    Bunny Jean

  2. That turned out great! I've been thinking about something similar for my children.

    ~ Sarah

  3. Oh I think that your blog might be a miracle for a messy mom like myself!!! This is brilliant and I'll have to make it for my kids!

  4. How fun! This would be perfect for my kids art supplies.

  5. fun idea! I'm sure spinning that when picking something to use is half the fun, for your children :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (yay! a few days off from work, so am catching up a little on my favorite blog reads... I have housework organizing and drawing orders to get to too :o)

  6. That is so cool! I love it!

  7. I think you may have just saved my table from absolute clutter-dom! Thank you!!PS---LOVE IKEA!!!

  8. I love your lazy susan idea! I think i may try this idea really soon. I love love Ikea.

  9. Super cute...Love how it came out.

  10. This is my first time visiting your blog. And I'm so glad I did!
    I love this idea! I want to make some for my classroom--that'd be great to have in the middle of the student tables and labeled with what each one is (pencils, markers, grading pens, trash, etc.) Thanks for sharing!

  11. My sister is starting to gear up for homeschooling, and I think this may be her Christmas present this year! What a great way to keep everything in one place!



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