10 February 2010

Just Clean It

Do you have something that you hate to clean or just plain don't clean?  I don't clean my oven.  Really, I don't, I never have.  But the problem is that it needs to be cleaned - it's getting gross.  Here's a non-toxic  (no mask necessary) way to do it - I'm going to show you how.

Here's the inside of my oven and microwave before:
  1. Use the hose attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean the vents of your oven - open the oven up and get the vents and sides of the oven, too.  Mine was pretty dusty and crumb-y.
  2. Use the self-cleaning option on your oven to do some of the work for you - I haven't used this feature on my oven before - this was stinkier than I expected.
  3. Spray down the oven with Basic H2 (degreaser formulation) - let it sit for a minute or two to soak in.
  4. Wipe down with a cleaning rag.
  5. To clean off anything that isn't removed with the Basic H2 degreaser formulation, I used  Scour Off.  It's a non-toxic heavy duty cleaning paste (yummy smelling) that I talked about here.  I dipped my rag in the paste and took out a little (quarter-size amount) and spread it on the areas that still had baked on whatever (mostly around the door).  Rub around until it's all clean.  Use the H2 degreaser to clean up the Scour Off residue (no worries about crossing chemicals, because there aren't any) and wipe clean.  WOW!  I cannot believe how easy this to do and that I have put it off for sooooo long. 
  6. After I was done with the oven, I also wiped down the inside of my microwave oven with Basic H2 degreaser.
  7. Then I wiped down the outside of my microwave/oven with Basic H2 all-purpose formulation and a Super Microfiber Window Cloth.  
Here are a few in-progress pictures:

    So my oven and microwave oven are CLEAN - inside and out - NO FUMES, NO STREAKS, JUST CLEAN!  
      Here's the inside of the oven and microwave after:

      I don't know what I was waiting for - it was so easy!  What's your put-it-off place?  


      1. Not gonna do it and you SO totally can't make me! {GRIN!}

      2. Wow, going to look up what you are talking about. I used the self cleaning option on my oven and really it did not help much. Mine needs it bad too.

      3. WOW! Hey we have the same microwave/oven combo - except yours is CLEAN!

      4. How do you get your stainless so totally horgeously polished? I have been occasionally sing regular toxic s.s. cleaners, or the Methid version (doesn't work as well) but would love a more natural option.


      I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).