14 February 2010

Winner and Care About Your Indoor Air Month

The winner of the Clean Mama Giveaway (as chosen by http://www.randomnumbergenerator.com/) is number 11 -  Erin Bowling -  "I would love to try the Shakleebaby Multivitamin and Multimineral powder for my youngest!"  Congrats, Erin - email me at clean.mama@yahoo.com to claim your prize!

Even if you didn't win, I am still offering Free Shipping for any one that signs up as a new member - the new membership fee is a one-time fee and you get 15% off all Shaklee products forever- so it's a great deal!

I signed up for a free issue of Body + Soul Magazine and I was looking through the January/February issue and came across this statement on page one under 6 Simple Ways to Better Your Life and the Planet, 
"The EPA estimates that air pollution is as much as five times higher indoors.  In honor of Care About Your Indoor Air Month (February), make your home a nicer place to breathe by checking the seal on your chimney and switching to low-VOC cleaning products.  For more ideas, visit epa.gov/iaq."

I'm not sure how to check the seal on my chimney, but I do know that by using Shaklee products, I have absolutely no indoor air pollution caused by cleaning and household products.  Even the Basic-G Germicide is EPA registered and safe to use in my home.  You can search the epa.gov link and you'll see four pages referring to Shaklee products and our commitment to the health and safety of  future generations. 

I'll see you tomorrow morning for Messy Monday - Watercolor and Salt Collage.  And Tuesday I'm doing a tutorial on a turntable for art supplies. 

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