17 March 2010

Coupon Holder

I clip coupons.  I clip what I can in about a half an hour a week and that's it.   I compare store ads, look up a couple of coupons on store websites and my favorite coupon blogs and that's as far as I go.  So I'm not a professional  couponer, but I do clip them and I usually store them in a big envelope in my purse.  Here's a picture of my storage system, or lack thereof:

My storage system has a flaw.  Coupons fall out on the floor of the store and I'm running all over trying to grab them and my kids laugh and people stare.  Sound a little dramatic?  It's not really that bad, but it's getting annoying to stop and search for coupons and have them fall out of my storage "system".  If I'm trying to save money by using coupons it doesn't make sense for me to go and spend $7 on a coupon holder, yes I know they make them.

Here's how I made a coupon holder for myself, for free, with stuff I had around the house (I did buy the stuff at one point so it's not really free, you get the point.  Here are my supplies:

(5 envelopes - use how as many envelopes as you need for your categories), 1 notecard, clear packing tape, one piece of craft paper - about 3"x12", glue gun)

Tuck the flaps inside all the envelopes - or cut them off all together.

Stack envelopes up and tape each envelope to the next until every envelope is taped to another envelope and then tape the 1st and 5th envelope together.  Put the notecard around the stack of envelopes and tape the front and back of that to the 1st and 5th envelopes.

Write your categories on the envelopes.

Wrap the cute piece of craft paper around the notecard and envelopes - I used my glue gun to tack down the back of the paper.  I don't have any velcro, but a velcro "snap" would work to keep this closed.  I'll be using a rubber band or hair binder if I need to.  Stash the coupons in the envelopes and there you have a cute little coupon holder that might get you some looks, but at least it's not because there are coupons scattered all over the grocery store floor.  What do you use for your coupons?

Have you entered my Clean Mama Printables contest yet?  It ends tonight!

I'm linking this post up to Works-For-Me Wednesday at We Are That Family, Penny Pinching Party at Thrifty Home, Make It Yours Day at My Backyard Eden, and Show and Tell every Wednesday at Blue Cricket Design.


  1. this is adorable. i have made something similar before

  2. This is great. Thanks for sharing how you made it!

    Feel free to stop by my blog and enter my necklace giveaway!

  3. Very nice idea! I have a couple of folders of unorganized coupons. I never seem to have the right one when I get to the store!


  4. What are some of your favorite coupon websites? I am obsessed with coupon clipping and can find a discount for anywhere I go. I would love to hear where else I can save money!


  5. Hi Mama Blake-
    I try to keep it simple - I subscribe to Money Saving Mom and Money Saving Madness. I like Coupon Mom and Frugal Fun and Fortune. If I'm buying something that I know is a little more expensive, I'll google it or look on that company's website before heading out to the store.
    Hope this helps!

  6. I take an envelope from the bills and put two large paperclips on it. One holds that weeks grocery list. I sort the coupons from my stash at home, then put them (in order of shopping) inside of the envelope. As I use them, I put the coupon under the second paperclip. That way, all the coupons that I've actually used that week are easy to see, contained and will actually get presented to the cashier!

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