24 March 2010

Spring Love

I have an endless list of things that I love about Spring.  Two things that top my list are: spotting a crocus popping through the dirt and going on a stroller picnic.  When these two things intersect it's a great day.  Have you ever taken your littles on a stroller picnic?  We pack up a little lunch - the kids hop in the double stroller and we're off.  I walk and they eat lunch.  They come home with full tummies and are ready for nap and rest time.  Sometimes we stop at a park on our way home, sometimes we just walk, ride, talk and eat.  It's a lovely way to spend lunchtime for kids and mommies.  Another perk: no sweeping the kitchen floor and cleaning up of lunch messes.  Try a stroller picnic sometime - they are perfect for those days that you just have to get outside and get some fresh air.  I've been known to have blankets and warm coats on my kids while taking these stroller lunches.  Some days you just have to get out - it's all about Spring Love.


  1. Stroller picnics are a great idea! My oldest is too big for the stroller, but we may have to remember that for this summer with Bubs.

  2. I love this! Stroller picnics are my saving grace on the days when I am tired, short fused, and about to have a mommy melt down. Boys boys go in the stroller, food in hand, and I get to enjoy some peace and quiet, fresh air, and time to de-stress. Sometimes they even fall asleep on the way home, making nap time that much more pleasant.


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