19 March 2010

When Permanent Marker Marks Appear in Unwanted Places

Interestingly enough, a comment was left in today's Day 15 post asking if anyone knew how to get permanent marker off of a wooden table.  I thought to myself, Basic H2 to the rescue!  I didn't get around to emailing/commenting back because we're deep into sticker and coloring time.  Then my 2 year old was quietly reading books marking up my antique mission oak desk with a permanent marker.  Never fear, Basic H2 is here!  I used it full strength from the bottle with a little elbow grease and it's gone.  Here's the evidence (in case you don't believe me).  You'll see a large circle stain in the wood - use that as your reference to see that indeed, all the marks have disappeared.  

Here's my Basic H2 bottle.

Here's the "artwork" done in fine point Sharpie.
 And the table restored to its original unsharpied self.

So there you have the proof that you can remove Sharpie marker with an organic natural cleaner.  Another one of Basic H2's 1000's of uses.  If you haven't tried it and have a mark on a table or walls - it'll take it off after its been there for awhile, trust me.  

Here's a link to Basic H2 at my Shaklee site.  It's a versatile, economical (cheap) and SAFE cleaner for your entire home - even the tough stuff!


  1. I may have to look into getting some of that for the door, the wall, the window, and everything else my daughter attacked when her dad dozed off one day!

    Anything you know of for crayon that got on clothes in the washer/dryer?? (worth a shot, right??)

  2. Heather - The H2 should take that off too - used straight out of the bottle and allowed to soak for a couple of minutes before tossing back into the wash.

  3. Thanks, Becky! I've loved the starter kit I just got, but I didn't even think of trying the Basic H2 straight from the bottle. I just tried the all purpose cleaner, which faded the marks but didn't get rid of them. I'll try the full strength H2; thanks again!


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