23 June 2010

How To Get Started Using Dockets and Organizing Tools + GIVEAWAY

If you've read my blog for longer than a week, you know that I love to use a weekly docket to keep life "together".  This is a tool that has worked for me for years.  I love having a documented place to keep track of what we're doing at home.  It helps me to have a sense of accomplishment and it eliminates the, "I have 5 minutes of free time, what needs to be done?" moments.  If you are just getting started with keeping track of your homekeeping tasks or want to start, here are my suggestions for how to get started.
  • use folders and/or clipboard(s) or a refrigerator magnet - make a few copies of your docket or list - that way you'll have the next weeks ready to go and you won't remember to do it on Wednesday and then decide it's too late
  • set aside time every day that you clean or tidy up for 5-15 minutes and do your daily tasks then - do it at the same approximate time of every day so that it becomes a routine
  • pick up as you go and teach your family to do the same - it seems obvious, but it's so easy, especially with little kids, to just clean up when they go to bed.  But then you're exhausted and would probably rather leave the mess until the next day - that's when it starts to get out of hand
  • get in the habit of doing the daily activities (I talk about mine here - these are my basics) - if you have to start one a week - cleaning the bathrooms on Monday - for a week and slowly add  another task the next week - bathrooms on Monday, dusting on Tuesday - try it that way so you are slowly getting into the scheme of things
  • I rotate through dockets with how busy our schedule is - sometimes I need to get a lot done in the week and amp up my docket, other weeks it's just business as usual
  • cut yourself some slack - it's just dirt - most importantly, your family needs you.  If it's 6pm and you're trying to clean bathrooms but no one's had dinner, skip cleaning the bathrooms 
Want to try the docket thing?  You can go to my shop and purchase a custom docket.  I also have  a new Cleaning Kit that's pretty great - it's currently my bestseller -  and I'm giving away one today.  Want to win one for yourself?   Just leave a comment for your first entry.  For 2 + entries, choose from the following options and let me know what you did with a separate comment: become a Follower, Vote for Me on the Top Mommy Blogs, follow me on Twitter, and/or Like Clean Mama on Facebook.  For everything that you do, it's an extra entry.  (If you've already purchased  or can't wait to see if you are a winner of a Cleaning Kit - enter anyway, I'll let you pick out something else from the shop for a prize.)  Easy peasy.  I'll announce the winner on next Wednesday's Homekeeping post. 
*contest is closed*


  1. I really need to do this so I can stay on top of my cleaning.

  2. I would love to win! I have 2 little ones and I never seem to get caught up.

  3. I lile Clean Mama on facebook.

  4. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  5. I'm already a follower - really like this blog!

  6. I love your printables! I would love to win another one :)

  7. I am also a follower too :)

  8. HELP ME! I have 3 little boys under 5, 2 extremely hyper little Boston Terriers who are often more work than the kids, and 1 husband that works 80-85 hrs/week. I'm hoping to play the sympathy card here, but this is all true ;)

  9. I would love to be able to use one of your printables. Believe you me my house and i would both love it :)

  10. I would love to win this! I've been thinking about purchasing..bummed that I miss out on the 2.00 sale you had a few weeks ago.

  11. Following you on Twitter @GirlHouse

  12. I would love to win! I am a WAHM of 4 boys and my house is NEVER clean!

  13. I am already a follower of CLEAN MAMA.

  14. Whoo hoo! Cool giveaway- I really need something like this. I feel like I just can't keep up. Thanks!

  15. I'm already a follower on here :)

  16. I'm already a follower on Twitter

  17. I'm such a fan of yours. You always have such great ideas to share. THanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.

  18. I am also a follower of your blog.

  19. I'm hoping you will be the motivation I need to get the house clean.

  20. I like you on Facebook. :)

  21. I'm a follower!

  22. love my weekly docket and would love to win the others!

  23. I'd love to win--I need all the help I can get! (Thanks for all the tips in this post as well!)

  24. I am desperately in need of a new cleaning routine (your dockets sound right up my alley). It was fate the other day when I found your blog!

  25. Im a follower for sure!!! Love Clean Mama

  26. From the first time I came across your blog, I was so impressed on how organized. I am attempting to put a little organization in my life as well. Love your blog.

    Brook Holden

  27. I voted for you on the TOP MOMMY BLOGS!

  28. I clicked "like" on your facebook page.

  29. what a great idea I could totally use this!

  30. I liked you on facebook too :-)

  31. I'd love a custom docket! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. And I'm a follower, too!

  33. I need this!

  34. I always feel like I'm drowning in housework.

  35. Just started reading your blog today. I love your docket and think it's a great way to keep housekeeping chores organized.

  36. I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

  37. I'm following you on twitter too

  38. I just found your blog and I love it! It would be awesome to win a docket!

  39. I read your blog daily -I would love to win a docket -You are such an inspiration

  40. This looks perfect for me. I don't exactly know what happened since the kids are all grown . . . but somehow I can't seem to organize my time now that I have more of it? Does that make any sense? I'd love to win one!

  41. I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!

  42. I would love to win!!! Thank you for the chance! :)

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  43. I am now a blog follower!

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  44. I like clean mama on Facebook!
    Katy Mc. Ald.

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  45. I'm following you on Twitter...KatyLMA

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  46. Just found your blog and LOVE it. The photos are amazing and the information looks outstanding. I plan to read lots of your blog tonight when my wee one goes to sleep. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. epdeans@yahoo.com

  47. I am entering and hope i win, i am desperate to get clean and just cannot do it :(

  48. This would be awesome!! I love the idea of the docket system!

  49. just joined...would love to learn more. Very interested in the meal planning binder. 8 people in our home and meal times are trying sometimes. Got to be organized!!!


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