08 July 2010

Dilly Beans

Have you ever had Dilly Beans?  They are so good and a great salty summer treat to make.  
Here's what you need:

 fresh dill - 4 heads of dill (1 per jar) and 2 pounds of fresh green beans

4 fresh garlic cloves - 1 per jar, 2 1/2 cups white vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper- per jar, 1/4 cup pickling/canning salt and 2 1/2 cups water

Here's how simple it is:

cut green beans to fit in jars

add garlic, cayenne and head of dill to each jar of cut green beans

pour in liquid (boiling water, vinegar and salt) and screw on caps

put in boiling water canner and process for 10 minutes

I used the recipe in the Ball Blue Book - make sure you consult a recipe for proper canning instructions - give it a whirl!


  1. I love Dilly Beans, I've never canned before, you make it look so easy! I may have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing! ~Marcy

  2. I LOVE Dilly Beans!! I had them years ago in WI abnd i havent been able to find them where i live, i have been wanting them so bad!! Thank you so much this is a must try!!! :)

  3. So happy I came across this! I’m planning on getting my feet wet next week and pickling some……uh, pickles! My neighbor requested that I throw some green beans in his jar of pickles. That was the 1st time I’ve ever heard of pickled green bean until I came across your post. I recently bought the Ball Jar preserve book. I’ll have to look through the cook book and see if I can find this recipe.

    Kendra “Domestic Princess in Training”

  4. I have never had dilly beans or canned but you make it look easy as pie! :) I will have to try it for sure!

  5. I am soooo trying this! It looks so easy and yummy! I included it in my Weekly Bloggy Roundup.

  6. I have a good friend that makes dilly beans and I LOVE them! TFS the recipe.

  7. My daughter LOVES dilly beans. They are almost $8.00 at the store!! Highway robbery. I JUST did my first canning ever (cherry pie filling) and was just talking to another blogger friend about doing dilly beans. Thanks for the post!


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