16 September 2010

Meal Planning - Themes + Printable

When meal planning, I find it easier to have a schedule of themes to follow and then plug recipes in accordingly.  That way I'm not wasting time going through my recipe binder and cookbooks to find a chicken recipe - I just organize by days of the week and plug in a recipe to the theme of each day.  Today we're going to meal(brain)storm ideas so you have some themes in mind when we work out our meal planning calendar and system next week.   I made a little printable for you (go here to grab one) to use - I filled in common themes and themes that have worked well for me to get you started.  

Check the ideas that you like, add your own and you've got a little list that we'll use with the Family Dinner Favorites list to plan our meals.

Tomorrow we'll be using this list to come up with your first two week rotation of themes for meal planning - yeah!

If you'd like to, leave your ideas for themes in the comments.....


  1. Ok, I am going to Wal~Mart later to buy a binder! This kind of stuff is right up my alley!!!! I love meal planning! I enjoy cooking, but so often if I don't have something planned I feel like I cheat my family out of a good meal! So thank you!!!!

  2. I'm working on a 5 week meal plan now & I've decided to theme the days of the week...Soupy Sunday, Mexican Monday, Toss Up Tuesday (anything goes), Chicken Wednesday (I need a more creative name for that one!), Tuscan Thursday, Freezer Friday (think frozen casseroles), & Slow Cooker Saturday. Still trying to find a few more recipes that are quick & easy! Thanks for all the info!

  3. So I started my binder this week. It is AMAZING what I have found. I have one shelf in one of my kitchen cupboards dedicated to my recipes. Clearing it out has really opened my eyes to how un-organized I have been. I really wish I could afford some of your stuff in your etsy shop, it is so genius how you organize. Right now we are penny pinching so I will have to wait a while. But I wanted to give you a big KUDDOS for all your ideas and hard work inspiring us!!

  4. At Wendy. what about Wing It Wednesday?!?

  5. I like your theme idea, but I'm not sure I understand your category of "meals already in the rotation".

  6. I have been a weekly meal planner, but all the recipes I've tried or want to try have become out of hand, so I'm really loving this week, and the push you're giving me to organize that part of our life.
    I did add a "grilling" and "casseroles" to my theme sheet.

  7. Rachel-
    Meals already in the rotation would be if you already include a pizza night or a Mexican night in your "rotation" of meals and you want to keep it in the rotation while we're planning. Thanks for asking for clarification :)


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).