03 January 2011


Yeah!  It's time to REALLY get our homes clean - just think about how great your home will feel once you have everything clean and refreshed. 

Now we're ready!  Today's little task is to wipe down all light switches and door knobs - simple right? 
As long as you're doing this, go ahead and wipe down all of your phones and remotes as well.  I like to use Germ-Off Wipes or Basic G sprayed on a cleaning rag and then I give each and every switch and knob a quick little wipe to remove fingerprints, germs, what-not.  That's it - we can totally do this! 

If you are wanting to follow along on my daily cleaning routine - I detailed it out a bit for you.  I putter away on it through the day - these are things that you are probably doing, just concentrate on making an effort to do these little things every day and it'll add up to a clean house most of the time.  I didn't include this, but I make beds right away in the morning (before I go downstairs) and run at least one load of dishes in the dishwasher every night.

SWEEP FLOORS (hardwood in the kitchen, powder room, small hallway, and entryway - this is mostly crumbs and dog hair) the kids use their dustpan, I use a broom and dustpan, but for the dog hair I LOVE using a microfiber dusting pad that can be tossed in the wash over and over.

WIPE COUNTERS - this means the kitchen counters get wiped down after each meal every day with Basic H2 and a cotton rag. Most days all the counters get wiped down 3 times a day, some days more, and some days less. I also wipe bathroom counters as needed - about 2 or 3 times a week.

LAUNDRY - at least one load washed/dried/folded/put away. Here's a link to a post I did about my laundry routine if you're interested.

CLUTTER - open mail and toss junk mail, file or pay bills, etc., make sure kids have cleaned up their toys before rest time and bed - somedays I'll choose an area to de-clutter.

Then every day of the week, I choose a larger cleaning task to do - Monday is bathrooms day - here's how I clean 4 bathrooms in 15 minutes :

•get all supplies in order (Basic H2 window cleaner, Basic G or Basic H2 all-purpose in a spray bottle, toilet brush, Super Microfiber Window Cloth and 4 cotton cleaning rags (one for each bathroom) and a Super Microfiber Cleaning Cloth for bathtubs and showers.)

•go into first bathroom and spray mirror with window cleaner - wipe clean with microfiber window cloth (this might not seem like a necessary cleaning tool, but seriously it is amazing - streak free windows and mirrors every.single.time.)

•clean toilets with Basic G or my Sonic Scrubber and spray down sink, toilet and tub/shower with Basic G

•I leave one rag in the bathroom - I don't wipe down the bathroom right away - I let the Basic G sit for ten minutes to completely clean and disinfect and then it will continue to kill germs for up to 72 hours!

•move on to the next bathroom and repeat (mirror, toilet, spray down everything)

•once I've done this in all the bathrooms, I go back to bathroom #1 and quickly wipe down everything - I wipe the toilet last (I use a new cotton rag in each bathroom to avoid any cross-contamination) - then I proceed with wiping down the other bathrooms.

•I like to use a microfiber cleaning cloth for my bathtubs and showers - it gets rid of any soap scum and any water marks with a quick wipe. We have tile in our master bath shower so I spray that with Basic G and scrub with a scrub brush that I keep in the master bathroom under my sink.

What are we playing for this week?  A Busy Mama Homekeeping Kit (or a $25 CleanMamaPrintables gift certificate if you've already purchased this awesome kit). 

Every comment Monday - Friday will be entered.  Let me/us know how you're doing, share your links if you blogged about your progress, whatever - it'll be entered.  Go clean!  See you back here tomorrow for our next deep cleaning task - THANK YOU for joining in and playing along!

*I added a buttons page for anyone wanting a Clean Mama button - there's one for the blog, Cleaning Month, and for all of you awesome Shaklee customers.*


  1. Woo Hoo! My husband thinks I am crazy because I am so excited. I love to clean, but even more, I love a clean house. You have almost made this into a game... in my mind. lol

  2. Have just added my button and am now off to clean my light switches and door handles - thankyou for this prompt!!

  3. Loving this. I usually spend all day on Sat's cleaning! So hoping to be able to have more free time on weekends. Thank you for this!

  4. like you I do the basic cleaning each day like counters and floors. But I save most of the rest for the weekend and I am tired of spending my weekends cleaning. I am hoping this will help get more done during the week for more relaxing on the weekend! Thanks!

  5. This month will be a big help to me, I'm having a party in 2 weeks and this will help get me motivated to clean!
    Thank you!

  6. Alright! Ready to get started. I'm going to try your bathroom method. It makes it sound so easy and that is the thing I hate to clean the most.

  7. Working on the list for today. I love having a plan as a foundation and then switching up and doing what works and changing what doesn't work for me. Great foundation..THANKS!!!


  8. Yay! Working along with you on this list today. Thanks for the motivation!

  9. I am a horrible housekeeper but my goal for 2011 is to do better. Your blog is helping guide me through it and I plan on starting this TODAY! Although, my hubby goes into the hospital tomorrow for one night, so this week may not get the full effort, but I'm going to try!

  10. I just assigned the lightswitch/doorknob assignment to my kids - woohoo! They are actually doing it.... I see the lights going on and off... off to check :)

  11. I work a full day and commute, so I'm excited to follow the calendar and free up some weekend time by keeping things clean throughout the week. I'll be wiping and sweeping and de-cluttering (Christmas decor still!) tonight after the kiddos are in bed! :)

  12. Thanks for offering up your advice. I need a little push to get started and your blog does that for me!

  13. Got my list done this morning! Yay! Feels good to start the new year with a clean routine! Thanks for the help!

  14. It felt good to get up and get this stuff done today! Thanks for making it so easy to get organized!

  15. And let the fun begin! Off to clean my switches!

  16. I just printed out my list! I'm already ahead on the kitchen (I did that earlier today) Now i am off to the CHristmas clutter!

  17. I hate to clean. And I hope this will help keep me motivated!!
    Some of the switches were really gunky! Yuck! Glad my husband is replacing them all in the spring! Sometimes it helps to just start from scratch!

  18. Switches and knobs cleaned! And it only took about 10 minutes! Now off to check something else off the list!

  19. Love your chore chart for January; and the little extra "do dos" beyond normal cleaning. Didn't get to the knobs yet, but I will (FAILURE already on the first day, lol!) just kidding. thanks for the cool printable.

  20. So glad to read the how behind the chart. It helps make it seem doable rather than enormous. Thanks!!!

  21. My light switches and door knobs never looked so good! This is like a game, and it is making me SO proud. My husband just keeps staring at me like I have three noses :-)

  22. I just found you and already love everything!! Thank you!!

  23. Just blogged about this!! :) What a great idea! I love a clean house!! :)


  24. I am trying your system this week. Mine is not a ton different but maybe using your will excite me a little bit more! Thanks for sharing.

  25. It took me way more than 15 minutes to clean my bathrooms, but that's because they were pretty bad. But I got everything else done too! Feels nice. Thanks.

  26. We're getting to a slow start this 2011 but we have a ton of travel! I printed the chart and I'm going to jump aboard next Monday!!!

  27. My list for the day is finally done! The switches and knobs didn't take too long but my bathrooms were another story! Glad it's done and I'm going to bed with a clean house. Can't wait to keep it up!

  28. So glad I found your blog. This is a great way to start out the new year.

  29. Reporting in... Floors swept √ counters wiped √ light switches & door knobs cleaned √ de-cluttered √ 1 load of laundry done √ Bathrooms... half √? All but the master. I promise I'll do it tomorrow morning!

  30. Cleaning the casa is a work out of its own...who needs a gym membership when you got a home to clean??!!! ;-)

  31. I started following you last year when you did the zones. I won one of your shaklee cleaners. Found out I was pregnant sometime after and cleaning went by the wayside (I can be lazy). LOL So its a new year saw your New Year Cleaning Post and said lets try again. So I started today with a load of laundry and then swept the dining room (with 3yr olds help) Started the bathroom and made a great dinner. Also wiped down some knobs. Hoping tomorrow works out the same as I'm trying to do a little of each until its all done and I'm just playing keep clean not get clean. THANKS!

  32. I counted 20 sets of doorknobs in our house, so I borrowed Amy's idea in the comments and had my children do them. Didn't take long at all with two doing knobs, one doing switches and me holding the baby and supervising.

  33. I used to be really good about doing daily cleaning jobs, but then had baby #2 and it went all down hill. Sad thing is that she will be 3 in May, haha! I am getting back on track with your help! Thanks!

  34. Thank you so much for the free printable and giveaway! I really need to get more in a cleaning routine!

  35. I used to vacuum 2-3 times a week, but I much prefer the idea of a daily sweep and a weekly vacuum. Thanks for saving me the hassle of the vacuum cleaner! :)

  36. Just found your blog and love it already! I am finally not working full-time, so I have no excuse not to keep the apartment clean. This will help immensely! :)

  37. Love your cleaning month. Thank you so much. I tried your method of cleaning the bathroom but by the time I got back to bathroom #1 (and I only have 3), all my cleaning supplies were dried up and I had to spray everything again. Any suggestions? My bathrooms took 1.5 hours and probably because they haven't been cleaned in awhile. The showers are just so hard to clean -- especially when I am not in them showering. Any suggestions?? I'm hoping the cleaning will go faster if I'm doing it on a regular basis. I sure felt like it was a waste of time cleaning the showers and they still look terrible. Sniff. Hopefully that will change. Thanks for the motivation. Keep it coming!!!!

  38. We have just bought a house so I am looking forward to keeping it clean! I know you will have some awesome tips for helping me out :) Thanks for all your hard work!

  39. ALysa-
    Try spraying a little more spray if you want it to stay wet, or use a wet microfiber towel to "reactivate". If you keep this up, it will only be about doing a quick wipe and it won't take nearly as long - I promise :)

  40. I don't have a blog, but just found you through Mac & Cheese Chronicles. I will try to catch up today on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you for the daily help also.


  41. i just stumbled upon your website and am so excited i found it! we've tried to do a cleaning schedule before but it didn't work out well, but your site had me excited to do it again! thank you!

  42. I am doing my student teaching this semester and I am EXTREMELY busy! But this month of cleaning is going to be a huge blessing to help keep my house deep cleaned throughout the rest of the semester. Thanks for the help organizing it!

  43. I have been a decent cleaner but with 4 kids (boys, 8 and under) and a husband, I have realized I need to step up my game. So happy I found your site. A goal of mine this year is to get this household organized and run like a well oiled machine. Good luck to us :)
    Thank you. Jen jconsilgio75@yahoo (dot) com

  44. I am so so SO excited to get going on this!! I love organization and have not been the last few months! This for sure will get me back into the habit! Thanks!

  45. I love your cleaning calendar and your subway art is adorable. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday. I love everything you do!

  46. I just found your site and I love it! I am just starting a new job and a new semester, so I may not be up to date every day, but I sure am going to try! Thanks so much!

  47. What a great idea!! I need this to get motivated and stay on a cleaning schedule!! Thanks a bunch :)

  48. Thank you for this!!! I'm trying so hard to get my home organized and cleaned! Trying to balance a new baby and the home has been interesting, so I can use all the help I can get! :)

  49. Thanks for sharing. Happy Cleaning!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).