04 January 2011

Cleaning Month - Dust Corners

Today is "dust corners" day - and I'm combining it with the Tuesday task of dusting to make it a little bit easier for us to complete them both.

Here's a picture of my dusting supplies.

I only use microfiber cloths and a dusting mitt for regular dusting. I use a large extendable reach duster for cobwebs and hard to reach ceilings (that's what we'll be concentrating on for our deep cleaning).  I also have a couple little feather duster type things that the kids use as we dust through the house, but no Pledge or any other dusting products. I have a beeswax polish that I love to dust with once a month or so, but that's pretty much it. Ready?  Work from the top-down and quickly go through the house dusting all the hard surfaces, staircase and railings, tvs and furniture.

Don't forget your daily chores too:

SWEEP FLOORS - (hardwood in the kitchen, powder room, small hallway, and entryway - this is mostly crumbs and dog hair) the kids use their dustpan, I use a broom and dustpan, but for the dog hair I LOVE using a microfiber dusting pad that can be tossed in the wash over and over.

WIPE COUNTERS - this means the kitchen counters get wiped down after each meal every day with Basic H2 and a cotton rag. Most days all the counters get wiped down 3 times a day, some days more, and some days less. I also wipe bathroom counters as needed - about 2 or 3 times a week.

LAUNDRY - at least one load washed/dried/folded/put away. Here's a link to a post I did about my laundry routine if you're interested.

CLUTTER - open mail and toss junk mail, file or pay bills, etc., make sure kids have cleaned up their toys before rest time and bed - somedays I'll choose an area to de-clutter.


Don't forget to snag a new button!


  1. I love this cleaning month, and thank you so much for your free printable - this is something I might get to work for me - even in the midst of changing my kitchen floor due to a flooding.


  2. I made a few adjustments to the printable, but I am so excited to have a plan! Thank you so much!

  3. Hi! Found you from Kindra's blog...I so hope you can help me get on track with the cleaning! I'll be grabbing your button and following!

  4. Thank you so much for doing this! January is always a CLEANING De-Crap mode for me and my family, but I am loving the way you organized it!
    Love, Love, Love this!
    Thanks again.

  5. You wanna come clean my house?? I have lots of dusties. ;)

  6. i just have to say thanks!! this is awesome. i have a clean house before lunchtime and then it actually stays that way (even though i have a toddler running around after naptime) it is wonderful! thank you!!

  7. I am loving your daily posts, but I have to figure out a way to fit it into my day. After work, my evenings are spent preparing dinner & then with my boys. I suppose after they are in bed is my best, if only, time to do these daily?! Does anyone else have any suggestions? Thank you again - you are an inspiration!

  8. Happy to report that my dusting is done! My house is still clean even after having our joy school in my house this morning. Thanks for all you do to keep us on track!

  9. Michelle, Alabama04 January, 2011 15:08

    Love this! Thank you for making this Cleaning Month. While it might take me six cleaning months in a row I think I might actually get the whole house purged and cleaned at the same time. That is my goal anyway.

    I would love to receive up dates from your blog, please, please consider adding an email option for subscriptions. I have no time to read email, clean, purge the excess, cook, and then bounce to catch up on the reader accounts!

    Have a very Happy New Year!


  10. Thanks for doing this-this is just the push I need to get it done!

  11. Took me a while to get started today, but day 2 is done! I'm going to keep following along, this is an excellent routine for me!

  12. Hello! I'm here to let you know that I have an award for you on my blog! Grandma’s Guide to Life -- www.grandmasguidetolife.blogspot.com -- Carli

    Oh, also, you need to be more specific with me! You wrote switches/knobs on 1/3. I got all the way through the house when I realized that you also meant the electrical outlet plates. Oops!

  13. I'm still playing/cleaning along. Adding the button to my blog too. :)

  14. So far so good.. I love it just a little each day so it is not such a big task. After teaching school all day. I am tired so to come home and clean and take care of little ones. This is perfect..

  15. Love your cleaning chart. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Dusting is one of my least favorite things to do, probably because I have way too many knick-knacks all over the place. But I did it! Even got a slightly damp microfiber cloth and rubbed all the cat foot prints off our shiny grand piano. That made a huge difference!

  17. I can't even GET into some of my corners! I know I know, too much junk! Hence the organizing mode! I did start on my kitchen. I vacuumed the corners with my little Oreck. Oh the cobwebs...ICK

  18. We have faulted ceilings in the living room and our room.....I am not sure how to even start cleaning in those corners to get the dust and cobwebs!

  19. Mallorey-
    Use an extendable handled duster - they work great!

  20. Put away Christmas decorations and dusted at the same time today. Not finished with the tree, but getting there.

    Michelle M.


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