05 January 2011

Cleaning Month - Vacuum Edges

It sounds like you're doing great with our Cleaning Month so far - today's assignment?  Vacuum edges and baseboards - take the hose tool on your vacuum cleaner and run it along all the edges of your baseboards and floors - make sure that you get the top part of your baseboards too!

After you finish one room, continue today's daily task of vacuuming your floors.  Then do the edges in another room and vacuum it and so on until you've done all the edges and floors in your house.  This will take a little bit, but it'll be worth it!

Not only will your floors and edges be vacuumed and clean, but we are "prepping" the baseboards for tomorrow and Friday.

Don't forget your daily tasks....

SWEEP FLOORS - (hardwood in the kitchen, powder room, small hallway, and entryway - this is mostly crumbs and dog hair) the kids use their dustpan, I use a broom and dustpan, but for the dog hair I LOVE using a microfiber dusting pad that can be tossed in the wash over and over.

WIPE COUNTERS - this means the kitchen counters get wiped down after each meal every day with Basic H2 and a cotton rag. Most days all the counters get wiped down 3 times a day, some days more, and some days less. I also wipe bathroom counters as needed - about 2 or 3 times a week.

LAUNDRY - at least one load washed/dried/folded/put away. Here's a link to a post I did about my laundry routine if you're interested.

CLUTTER - open mail and toss junk mail, file or pay bills, etc., make sure kids have cleaned up their toys before rest time and bed - somedays I'll choose an area to de-clutter.

Don't forget to grab a button
Last day of the New Year's Sale in my printables shop - 11% off everything with the code 'NEWYEAR2011'
See you here tomorrow!


  1. I'm getting there...I have done all of upstairs but got delayed by the fact that the oven needed urgent attention. I shall be playing catch up for the rest of the week
    L x

  2. So far so good! This may be the most helpful tool I've ever had!

  3. Okay, I was up in the middle of the night wondering what you were going to post today. There's something wrong...I can't be this excited about cleaning! LOL Thanks for your guidance.

  4. I am already seeing a big difference in my house, THANK YOU! I recently started a blog, and have been blogging about this challenge.

  5. Tried your laundry link and couldn't get it to work. I am really interested in your routine :)

  6. whoo - this is the official first time I've ever been happy about vacuuming :)
    going to add a button now.

  7. House is looking better already. :)

  8. Done and done! Bonus for me - the fussy baby in my sling was quieted by the sound of the vacuum. I figured if I was already walking around and rocking back and forth, I might as well get something done.

  9. Im your newest follower (purehunnybee)
    Ive grabbed your button and can I take you home with me?!
    I need you around my home! :)
    OR I could just learn and do!! lol
    So glad I found you!!
    Come and visit!

    Deborah xo

  10. Three days accomplished! I'm making this a priority. I'm not a very good housekeeper and I'm very slow at it but this is motivating me to work harder than I have. So far, this has been my best tool ever. I printed out the cleaning schedule for January and put it on the fridge. My husband asked what it was and when I explained (over the weekend) he said "I'll have to help with that." So far he's only minimally helped with the actual chores but he is supporting my efforts.

  11. I need a new vacuum...it stops working after running for a little while...GRRRRR!!! Got to give it a break and then it works again...mind of it's own!! :-)

  12. How funny, I just did this the other day. WOW, it was grimy down near the floor! Now I still have to do the 2nd floor, eek!

  13. House looks great! I love referring to the inspiration up on my fridge each day! Thanks again!

  14. I will admit! I slacked and did not vacuum!!


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