01 October 2011

Day 1

Welcome - I'm so glad you're here!  This month is going to be a simple introduction into the daily cleaning routine that I have been following for years - several of the products in my shop are centered around this routine.  It's designed around my 'clean a little bit every day' philosophy. 

Forget cleaning the house once a week, just get into the habit or routine of cleaning for a few minutes every day and within the month, your home will be cleaner, you'll be more relaxed about having people drop in, and you'll have time for things that really matter. 

Every week (on Saturday) I'll have a free printable (go here to grab this week's schedule) that you can use to follow the daily cleaning schedule in your home. 

Come here every day for the schedule, some helpful cleaning tips and a little encouragement.

Here's our Cleaning Routine for today:

(wash sheets and towels)
Sweep Floors
(quick sweep of any hard floors that need it - I concentrate on my kitchen)
Wipe counters
(wipe down bathroom counters-if needed, wipe down kitchen counters, make sure sink is clean and dishes are in/out of dishwasher)
(quick declutter of any areas that need it - mail, toys, shoes, clothes, etc.)
(do at least one load every single day)

Okay, that's it - go get started - and don't worry about doing everything at once.  I find that it's helpful to do a little bit when it works for me throughout the day - or evening.


  1. It is so helpful to do a load of laundry a day. I Thanks for the reminder–needed that :) Looking forward to your posts.

    Suz from WelltoDo

  2. Okay, well I'm going to try this one load of laundry a day for the next month, lets see if I can make this work, lol and thanks for the print off, I love how it has what you want us to do and a spot for us to put what we need to do. I am a binder girl so I am in love with this!!!!!

  3. This is a really excellent idea and I'm hoping it helps me to find motivation! Already printed the list off and about to get started!

  4. OK, I have been a SAHWife (our son moved out last year) for a few years now and what I really lack is a routine - I'm not an organized house cleaner and I'm just thrilled you are facilitating this! I am off to create new habits so I have more time for other activities & a little less chaos helps! weehheee!

  5. Looking forward to this month! I need to get into a better routine of cleaning... even though I have tried many different ways. Maybe this will be the one! :) Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the printable, its going on my fridge where I can see it every day!

  6. I'm so glad to see that you are doing the cleaning for 31 days. I just moved into a new house and have been very lazy around here. I use to have a chore chart that everyone followed and now I have nothing and am letting everything go. Time to get my house back in order. Thanks!!!

  7. So excited! I just signed up so I can get this updates in my email!

  8. Found you via pinterest, and love this idea. Although I work 2,5 days I think this will be do-able for me

  9. I'm looking forward to this series. I need to develop some cleaning routines and make that happen. I love being accountable.

  10. I'm looking forward to this series. I need to develop some cleaning routines and make that happen. I love being accountable.

  11. I am so thankful that you are doing this!! I've been submersing myself in organizing lately and a cleaning schedule was on my endless list of things to figure out! My life makes a little more sense already! ;)

  12. Hi there--I haven't seen this week's cleaning schedule. Is it posted and I just can't find it? Thanks!

  13. It's always on Saturday's post - it's right here:
    xo, Becky


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