02 October 2011

Day 2

You're back - yay!  If you haven't grabbed a printable for the week, go here for yours.
Sundays are a day of rest (church and family time) at our home, so I just do the basics - no extra tasks. 

Sweep Floors
(quick sweep where necessary - usually just the kitchen)
Wipe counters
(wipe down bathroom counters-if needed, wipe down kitchen counters, make sure sink is clean and dishes are in/out of dishwasher)
(quick declutter of any areas that need it - mail, toys, shoes, clothes, etc.)
(do at least one load every single day)

See you back here tomorrow - just so you know, all posts will be on my blog at 6am cst for this event.  So if it works for you to check on the day's tasks first thing in the morning, the post will be waiting for you.


  1. Yeah!!! Good morning I had a great 1st day and think today will be a breeze, I even have my load of laundry waiting for me, lol!!!!

  2. Baaaack.. yesterday got away from me but doing this for 31 days, surely it will become more and more a part of my routine. So! I'm not giving up and I am in fact exited about this.
    Today, I will make up the necessary things and push on!

  3. I didn't get day one till 11 pm. Is there something I can do??

  4. Moo Moo Mommy-
    I don't know how to change feedburner - for some reason that's when it delivers the feed for my blog. I'll look into that - in the meantime, you can check my blog anytime after 6am cst.
    xo, Becky

  5. I'm new here and really excited about this series! I've never had a really good routine for cleaning my home, and now even that has to change with the addition to homeschooling in my life. So let's just say - this series is coming at the perfect time! Can't wait to read more!

  6. Thank you so much for the cleaning schedule!! I hope to stay on track.

  7. Thanks for this. I struggle with how much to do on Sundays sometimes but do basically what you suggested minus the laundry. I like the one load a day idea.


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