14 November 2011

Holiday Catalog Idea

The holiday catalogs are pouring in and I don't know about your kids, but mine love them.  In an effort to keep them in one place and to make the endless gift searching sort of educational, I set up a little catalog "station".  Simple, but the kids love it and it keeps them occupied in the dinner-making hour. 


composition book for keeping track of "the list" - this is the educational part for my starting to read and write little one
(I covered this with some Christmas-y cardstock to make it more festive)

I put everything in this apple basket to contain the activity when we're not using the items

How about you?  Keep or toss the catalogs?


  1. What a fabulous idea, I have a lot of catalogs floating around!


  2. I need to get a basket for my catalogs. My 3 year old refers to them as his books. He's still too young to really make a list, but he loves looking through and checking out all the cool new toys.

  3. My oldest is 12 and she doesn't need catalogs anymore. Trust me, she has a new Christmas list made every January LOL!

    Cute idea though. I might need to remember this when my son gets a bit bigger!

  4. We keep the catalogs for a couple days then off to the recycling. Our baby would turn them into confetti if kept around any longer! (And I can't stand to have junk mail lying around)

  5. Oh, now I recycle them because my kids are too big for toys. But when my kids were little they had hours of fun going through them over and over and over. . . It's so much fun to be a kid and have all those lovely toy ideas.

  6. When our kids were smaller, one year they went through about 4 catalogs circling things they liked. In the end it was easier to write down what they didn't like since they had circled nearly everything in all the catalogs. My wife and I got a huge kick out of that.

    Thanks for having this blog, I really enjoy reading it.


  7. We toss ours, it keeps my kids occupied for a bit, but then they start ripping them apart and fighting over them.


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