20 January 2012

Clean + Organized - Bathroom Cleaning Supply Buckets

First off, how are you doing with the routine this month?  I've heard great things and hope that my routine has given you back some time and less clutter and mess to deal with during your days and nights. 

So this week I set out to create a little cleaning bucket/caddy/supply thing for each bathroom cupboard. 

I've been inspired by these ideas via my Pinterest boards:

(I know this is originally from BHG.com, but all I can find on BHG is a picture of the door.) 

I ordered these from The Container Store last week and they still haven't made it to my house, so no finished pictures today - I'll update once I have completed my buckets.

But what I've been looking into is having some needed tools that I usually tote from bathroom to bathroom (not necessarily cleaning supplies) in the cupboards so I don't have to clean all the bathrooms in one fell swoop if it isn't convenient on my bathroom cleaning day.  Maybe the kids are in the bathtub on Monday night and I haven't gotten to cleaning the bathroom yet - no running downstairs to get my one cleaning bucket.  I have supplies and tools at the ready for a quick clean up. 

What could go in the buckets?
microfiber cleaning cloths
microfiber mirror/window cleaning cloths
a scrubber
all-purpose cleaner
garbage bags
magic erasers
cleaning wipes

So tell me, is this something you do or could do to make bathroom cleaning a little easier? 


  1. Another idea for the garbage bags--if you buy the kind that come on a roll, put the roll in the bottom of your garbage can. That way they are there and ready when you take out a full bag and there is no excuse for leaving a can with no fresh bag in it!

  2. Yes! After having two children less than two years apart, I have found that it is a HUGE advantage to be able to clean the bathroom while I am in there for another reason. It also takes much of the stress out of potty training, because everything needed to clean up after near misses is already there.

  3. Absolutely. And one for the kitchen too. If I keep the cleaning chemicals and tools confined to a container, then they don't multiply and take over the cabinet under the sink.

  4. I wish I could do this, but I have the tiniest bathrooms and no storage. :( I think that is really smart to have things in each bathroom. I absolutely would do this if I could keep it out of reach of tiny hands…

  5. I created just one basket for my 4 baths, I keep it in the broom closet, as I have very young kids and do not keep cleaner in the baths. what I ADDED: I bought a microfiber mop from the dollar store (with a removable mop head)to add to my basket. I use this to wash the tu b surround. It is much faster than using a cloth and I am short so it is easier having the handle. Also, as I am leaving the bathroom I use the wet mop to quickly wash the bathroom floor. This leaves it extra sparkly! :) LOVE IT! thanks for all your great ideas.

  6. I have a cleaning bucket under the sink of our 3 bathrooms. Makes life so much easier! I just acquired a long handled scrubber for the showers - why didn't I think of this before?? My back thanked me! One of the biggest things that helps with cleaning the baths is teaching my kids to do their own. From about age 4 or 5, they have been scrubbing toilets and wiping down sinks. They are 7 and 11 now and do a pretty good job. One less bathroom for me to clean!

  7. I also keep a roll of paper towels with the bucket (trying to get away with not using so many though). So if you use microfiber cloths to clean counters and such how do you wash them?

  8. Your routine has seriously changed our lives. I'm a working, tired, 8 month pregnant lady who has been sticking to your plan and feeling super successful. My neat freak husband is seriously indebted to ya. Thank you for all that you share!

  9. Your routine has definitely helped keep me on task with a cleaning routine! How do you stay motivated throughout the week? I find myself starting the week really strong...but losing motivation by Wednesday and playing catch up on Friday and Saturday. The one thing I have stayed consistent on is doing laundry every other day (I live by myself so I don't have to do laundry every day) and it definitely saves me a lot of time over the weekend!

  10. All I can say is "WOW" How I would love to be organized...I detest disorganization...and I feel I'm never where I want to be....BUT you have gave me inspiration...Your site is so friendly and not intimidating....I think I can do it if I say consistent and simply clean as I go and not let it pile up....My twin boys are off to college so it is just me and hubby and now I have the time to concentrate more...What are your ideas on "stuff" they left behind...like trophys...awards....books....folders....clothes.

  11. Another idea for the garbage bags--if you buy the kind that come on a roll, put the roll in the bottom of your garbage can.

  12. just Put the important cleaning material on the bucket and your good to go. This idea is great, it can save extra space and you can easily carry those cleaning tools. This will help to clean bathroom much more easier. Good thing I visit this blog.

  13. The bathroom cleaning bucket must contain all the necessary items such as rags, cleaners and other supplies in order to thoroughly clean a bathroom.

  14. I hate having to lug all the cleaners upstairs to the bathroom. This is a great idea. I've basically put Windex and Comet in my bucket plus a roll of paper towels, since I think does the best job on the mirrors.

  15. Having a bathroom cleaning supply bucket will make things easier. This will not only keep things in order but will also make a product or tool readily available when needed. It is one thing to ask cleaning companies Phoenix to maintain the cleanliness of one's household and another to maintain its organization to avoid clutter which home owners need to practice if they want to keep a tidy living space. Thank you for sharing this idea. I know that several readers will definitely learn from this.

  16. Thanks for posting! I am in charge of ordering all of the janitorial cleaning supplies
    at my work for all of the janitors to use, and one of the things they talk about is wishing they were more organized in the stuff they carry around during the day. I will make sure to pass some of this information along. Thanks!


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