23 January 2012

Week 4 - Clean + Organized 2012

It's Week 4 and if you are still with me, you will hopefully be seeing some improvement and definitely a neater and tidier home.  Yay, right?

If you're new here, here's a link to the printable schedule for the month, a kitchen deep cleaning printable, a bathroom deep cleaning printable, a main living area(s) deep cleaning printable and a printable cleaning/organizing subway art for inspiration.

Here's my cleaning routine for this week and early next week - it sounds like this is working well for you.  If it isn't working, use it as a launch pad for what works (keep that) and what doesn't work (change that).

My Pinterest project of the week is going to be some kids' craft storage organization, so I'll share that with you on Friday.

This week's deep cleaning is going to be bedroom(s).  If you only have time for one, I'd suggest the master bedroom.  Here's a link to the freebie printable to use while you clean.  (The freebie deep cleaning checklists coordinate with The Cleaning Kit (which is ON SALE this week, just for you!)
Initially, I intended January to be a jumpstart for you to get into a cleaning routine, but I wasn't sure if I should continue it past January.  I've had so many requests to continue, I'm going to do something similar - I'll have a printable for February's cleaning routine for you, but I'm going to add something a little simpler than the deep cleaning schedules.  Come back through the week and then I'll announce the details for February on Monday, January 30th.  Sound like fun?


  1. Thank you and Please keep it up. You are helping so many families, mine included. Thank you ! I get up every morning and check your site and get inspired. Thank you thank you.

    Linda st. Laurent


  2. this is all so awesome! i actually look forward to my cleaning schedule! THANK YOU for keeping it up :)

  3. I am so happy you will be continuing. The printables I purchased before finding your blog and the printables you have provided this last month have been wonderful.

    I used to be a perfectly clean person. Well, he last 1 1/2 years since I had the baby have dramatically changed things.

    Your blog and printables have helped to get me back on track. It is great to have a schedule to do daily, so I don't get so far behind. It is fun to know that others are doing it with me too.

  4. I am beyond thankful for your time, energy, creativity and knowledge you share with us! Organizing my home, my documents, my schedule, and my projects has been a HUGE win in our home. The kids are excited to do their chores as I do mine and we have a clean, tidy home...where messes still happen because we make memories but don't stress because we have fallen into a routine.

    I love your site, your resources, and your inspiration!


  5. I agree with all the above! I have so enjoyed this cleaning challenge. Today was actually the first day that I did everything, but it felt natural. This made me feel SO good. I'm seeing progress. I'm trying to do deep cleaning for one room a month. So far, I'm halfway through the kitchen. I am a follower of your blog and so I am so glad you are helping us out again. You are great, Becky!

  6. deep clean? what does that really mean. Does that mean wipe down or does that imply what it says. ALSO, you deep clean every week? I am alarmed, but I just need to know because I need to get on a schedule, because I am also a full time student and a mom and my house gets dirty sooner before it gets clean.

  7. Thank you so much for the kind words and appreciation! I love cleaning (I'm crazy) and really enjoy sharing my tips with all of you!

  8. Christina - I typically do eight or nine deep cleaning tasks a month (per my cleaning schedule/kit) - like cleaning baseboards. This month I did whole rooms each week to jump start us a little. Deep Clean to me is cleaning a little more than I would in my normal, weekly cleaning routine. It's stuff that doesn't need to be cleaned weekly or monthly, but should be put on a rotation so it's cleaned 3-4 times a year.

  9. Oh please, please, please don't stop the cleaning schedules!! This is soooo easy to do by doing a little each day! My house looks great and I only just started this January 1!! Thanks so much for the time and effort you have put into your printables and schedules! I am now working on my notebook, for now I am using a cute clipboard hung in my laundry room with a cute ribbon, (cute)!! Thanks again!!

  10. ok.. thanks.. I have to start doing that because i suck at consistently cleaning..


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).