04 January 2012

Cleaning Tools

It's Wednesday and that means that today's daily cleaning task is to vacuum.  I start with a thorough vacuuming on my second floor, I vacuum the steps and then I move downstairs.  When I vacuum, I vacuum all the floors - tile, wood, and carpet.  I find that by doing this once a week, the floors look fresh and clean all week long (for the most part).  Of course, in between I might need to touch up an area, microfiber sweep the floors or sweep with a broom.  The other good thing about this technique is that all the floors are prepped for tomorrow - Thursday - floor washing day. 

During this month's 'event', I'm going to talk about some cleaning tips and tricks that work for me on Wednesdays.  Today, I'll direct you to my Cleaning Faves page.  This list isn't complete, as I am adding to it, but it does talk about what products I use and can wholeheartedly endorse.  I am asked all the time what products I use and to be honest, I think that the main thing about cleaning products is that they are green and safe to use around people - no hazmat suit required AND they work for you and your budget.  I definitely have my favorites, but they are my favorites because I don't need to worry about cleaning around my kids.

SO tell me - what's your can't live without cleaning product or tool?  

New here?  Make sure you check out this post for freebie printables and details about this month's event! 

See you on Friday for an organizing idea from Pinterest put into play in my home.


  1. I just started following your blog yesterday. :) My absolute favorite cleaning tool is my Eureka Enviro Steamer. I used to hate mopping with a passion, but now it's so easy. No chemical cleaners, no backbreaking work, no messy mops. Woot! :)

  2. Ditto the above comment....I just got a Shark steam mop and I love it. I feel like my floors are cleaner than they've been in years and I didn't have to use any chemicals. Also, great not to be crawling around on the floor wiping with a rag!

  3. My microfiber mop, and vinegar. Vinegar cleans EVERYTHING, well too I might add. So grateful to slowly be getting rid of harmful chemical products in our house. Here's my post about hardwood floors: http://www.renosparksmom.com/2011/11/how-to-clean-hardwood-floors-naturally/

  4. love every tip you share

  5. Wow--we sure love our steam mops. I got a Black & Decker for Christmas (by my own request lest you think my husband is in the doghouse for that gift!!!) and it's fantastic. I use it daily to keep down the dust for our 2 family members who have asthma. Love the "no chemicals" and that it just smells fresh and clean!

  6. I use a cleaner made of vinegar, Dr. Bronner's, baking soda and water. Love it.

  7. Love your blog! I just discovered it last week! My favorite cleaning tools are My Swiffer sweep and vac, right now we only have 1 small carpet (we are remodeling!) and we have two small children and two dogs! I am always using it! I also really like Mrs. Meyers and Farmhouse cleaning products. I like Greenworks too. I am very big on things smelling good! I wasn't crazy about the seventh generation cleaners smell, and it didn't seem to work as well as the others on grease, etc...I am not familiar w/many of the products you recommend. I'll have to keep an eye out!

  8. Love your blog! I'm participating in Clean & Organized 2012 and I'm so excited! I cleaned my house out of all the discusting harmful cleaners today. 2 laundry baskets FULL OF CRAP! I have asthma and everytime I clean I cough for 2 days and have a terrible headache. I've also been having terrible skin issues and I really think it's because of our laundry detergent and dryer sheets. I've been really liking what I read about Shaklee and I'm going to place an order this weekend. What do you recommend I start with? I need an all purpose cleaner to clean the house and laundry soap/dryer sheets.

  9. I love this! I just started reading on here and printing out the freebies :) My absolute favorite products are the Shaklee cleaning products. They last FOREVER and do an amazing job as well. Especially the scour off heavy duty paste. It's amazing. Works just as well as anything with Chlorine in it. To Jennifer I want to say: The BASIC H with the three spray bottles is a must get from Shaklee. That way you have your all purpose cleaner, your glass cleaner and your degreaser. It's perfect!!

  10. Hi Jennifer!
    The laundry detergent and dry issues should clear up with the Shaklee detergent and softener - it's guaranteed, if it doesn't, get a refund.
    As for the all-purpose cleaner, definitely do the H2 and spray bottles. I love the Germ Off wipes too.
    xo, Becky

  11. I adore the Reveal Mop by Rubbermaid. You add your own cleaner (or just water and vinegar!) and the wet and dry version of the sweeper are washable.

  12. I need a really good toilet cleaner for hard water stains. Nothing I've tried on my toilet has worked. And vinegar won't work, because these stains are on the sides of the toilet above the water line. Any suggestions?

  13. I like those cleaning compound . I think it is very practical! I once bought it online at "ideann".


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).