06 January 2012

Organizational Project Day

It's Day 5 of  'Clean and Organized 2012' - I hope you're getting into the groove of my system for cleaning.  I also hope that you find as you keep up with it, it's much easier and there's less to do every day.  And less housework to do every day means more time for other more important things! 

Friday's task for me is to do a quick menu plan for the week and either go grocery shopping or at least get a list ready for the next week's groceries.  I find that if I menu plan, we save money, dinner is on the table at a reasonable time and the evening is just easier and more relaxed.  Do you menu plan?  Maybe you've tried it and fallen off the menu planning wagon.  If you want to give it a go again or try it for the first time, I have a Menu Planning Kit in my Etsy shop that's sure to get you off on the right foot.  

It includes:
Perpetual Menu Planner for the Month - with B, L, D spots

Perpetual Menu Planner for the Month
Menu Planner for the Week with a Grocery Shopping List
Freezer Inventory
Pantry Inventory
Refrigerator Inventory
Recipes to Try
Recipe Page
Interested?  It's half price today (Friday 1/6/2012) just for you! Act fast, by Saturday morning I'll change the price back to its original price. 

Okay, on to my Pinterest organizing project for the week.  I've had these two organizing file holders pinned for a while now and I've been mulling over how to create something like this that will work in my home. 


Source: bhg.com via Becky on Pinterest

I decided to do a basket/clipboard combination for menu planning (perfect for Friday, right?).  I have these hidden shelves in either side of my kitchen island that have been empty for too long.
Here's the basket and clipboard combo that I came up with that coordinates in the kitchen.

I added my weekly menu plan and grocery list to the clipboard

added my cookbooks and recipes for the week

put the basket on my bookshelf and look at that - an instant menu planning station!
So tell me, have you organized something this week?


  1. LOVE that little wash tub with all the planners, calendars, etc. Very clever! I organized the "play" side of our basement (with the slave labor help of my children, lol!) It mostly involved vacuuming, relocating things to their proper homes and going through some boxes. Much nicer!

  2. I was inspired by your Clean & Organized Calendar, so I organized something similar that better matches my weekly schedule. I have always kept an ongoing list of my household cleaning tasks, but seeing it all laid out in a monthly calendar format helped me a lot. It feels much more managagle now. I also launched a new blog on Jan 1 to help me better organize my recipes as I share some of our budget friendly, easy to fix, family favorite meals. The accountability of the blog is motivating for me. Happy New Year!

  3. Just wanted to say thanks for this cleaning site. There is another one similar but I can't get over the outdated feel and it is a bit cheesy. This site feels up to date, modern, and fresh... for a mom who is on the go and wants to stay organized. I love the whole feel of it. I even considered creating a site myself but this saves me the time and trouble. Thanks for putting so much hard work into this site. It is going to help so many people like me.

  4. I've found that after almost 10 years of working full time, going to school full time the past 3 years, and having a very active 2 year old, my cleaning routine was severely lacking. My house had also become so unorganized, I had no idea where to start. I found your blog through Pinterest (I'm probably obsessed :) and was so excited that you're doing this. Your monthly calendar is perfect to follow, and I'm finding I don't hate laundry as much if I do one load per day. This week, I continued with my office/craft room reorganization, and I also cleaned and organized my kitchen counters, and started on a home management binder. It feels so nice to finally have a house that is starting to feel like a home. The other big project I did this week wasn't in my kitchen, but my best friends. Her and her husband had 2 separate kitchens and when they moved in together and consolidated, they just kinda piled everything in. We took every item out of her kitchen, purged doubles, and put everything back in an organized fashion that would benefit them. She was so ecstatic! Thanks so much for the motivation to get stuff done!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).