06 April 2012

$75 Victoria's Secret Gift Card Giveaway

With all the Cleaning + Organizing this year, I think you need a reward (or at least a chance to win some great prizes)!  I'm teaming up with Merry Maids to offer 4 amazing prizes (valued at a total of $725!) through the month of April on Fridays. 

Week 1: $75 Victoria's Secret Gift Card
Week 2 :$150 Pier 1 Imports Gift Card
Week 3: $200 Target GiftCard
Week 4: $300 Merry Maids Gift Card 

Great prizes, right?                                                                                          
Every single week for the month of April (today's contest will run 24 hours - Friday, so enter FAST!)  I will be giving away a new prize courtesy of Merry Maids!  For this week's prize, all you have to do is share your favorite cleaning tip in the Rafflecopter.  You have 3 more ways to enter as well.   

A couple official rules:  Contest open to US residents only (sorry), I'd love it if you followed this blog in some way before entering (subscribe, reader, Facebook, Twitter, Google connect....), and this contest begins on 4/6/12 12:01am EST and ends 4/7/12 12:01 EST. 
*For more cleaning tips, be sure to 'like' Merry Maids on Facebook - it's one of your optional entries in the Rafflecopter.*
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. do a little cleaning everyday, to keep it from becoming a BIG job.

  2. Use baking soda to scour sinks and bathtubs. It makes your hands soft, and has no harsh chemicals.

  3. Use baking soda to scour sinks and bathtubs. It makes your hands soft, and has no harsh chemicals.

  4. don't let little things pile up (if you can do it when you see it, don't wait!), and add some music in to make it less of a chore


  5. cleaning tip...share this blog with cleaning lady so she can use your tips on my house...lol.

  6. My favorite cleaning tip is to heat a bowl of water and lemon juice in the microwave for about 10 minutes and then let it cool off for a couple of minutes. Helps to soften all the baked on gunk and make cleaning it easy!

  7. my tip is put it in a pile and attack, works for me most times! Thanks for a super giveaway!
    My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  8. My favorite cleaning tip? Have compnay come so you actually get cleaning done!

  9. My fav would be heat up a bowl of viniger inside a disgusting (lol) microwave minutes to remove any gunk of food inside.=)

  10. Declutter!! I am expecting twins and doing major declutter to make my life easier down the road. My sister-in-law and niece even came over to help make it fun and give me encouragement to throw away stupid junk.

  11. my favorite cleaning tip is to clean it as you go..dont wait until its extremely nasty to do the cleaning..

  12. I have always loved how using newspaper and windex does an amazing job on glass or windows!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  13. My favorite cleaning tip is to use vinegar for cleaning. I live in the country, so most products aren't septic system safe, so I clean regularly with Vinegar and other natural products that won't harm my system, the added bonus is that there are no chemicals to affect my small dog, and my two small children, who love to 'help' mommy!

  14. I wipe down the shower and spray a little mrs. meyer's all purpose cleaner every morning. Non-toxic, quick and easy, and my shower is always clean! I also make my bed every morning, helps start the day off right.

  15. If your crunched for time, at least spray down your counters and clean them and it will 'smell' like the whole house is clean!!

  16. make your beds every morning it will make the whole room look cleaner

  17. Be constistant now matter what is your cleaning schedule.

  18. When cooking wash your dishes, pots and pans as you go.


  19. Use a divided bucket one side soapy and one side fresh water when you're scrubbign things

  20. After cleaning my shower, I spray it with lemon pledge and buff clean. It really helps keep my super hard water from building up on the clear glass.


  21. My favorite tip is to set a timer and have the kids pick up their toys before it goes off. Since it is a game to them they love to see who can do it faster and in the end all the toys are put away!

  22. The key to keeping the house tidy for me is to do a little each day. I used to let it pile up and it became too overwhelming. When I finally caved and put the effort in to stay on top of the cleaning through quick maintenance each day, my life became so much easier and organized! :)

    1. oops, forgot to add my email address--fangelini@verizon.net thanks!

  23. Cleaning the kitchen before I go to bed, Less stress in the morning.

  24. As you clean a room put donate items in a box. If you do this weekly you won't have such a huge job on your hands later.


  25. My favorite tips are to heat vinegar and water in the microwave to make cleaning a breeze.

  26. This time last year I began following your cleaning routine and it has worked wonders for our family! Now I have more time on the weekends to spend playing and enjoying my family rather than spending my weekends cleaning!

  27. Clean in 15 minutes increments. I set the timer, and start cleaning. Knowing that it is only 15 minutes really encourages me to get started. Plus, I'm usually energized to keep going for another 15 minutes.

  28. My favorite cleaning tip- use an old toothbrush to clean the group in the shower.

    Note, use an old toothbrush, not your husband's.


  29. My favorite cleaning tip is hire a maid. lol

  30. Clean the kitchen sink before bed.

  31. Do one chore a day/have weekly schedule, that way it's not overwhelming and nothing gets missed.

  32. Do one chore a day with a schedule. It keeps everything from having to be done at the last minute

    Laura H

  33. Clean tip: declutter everyday for at least 10mins. Also, do a load of laundry a day, it will seem less daunting.

  34. Favorite cleaning tip: Have a set routine and do a little each day. :)

  35. The only thing that motivates me to clean is to invite people over to the house- so I try to host a playdate once a week to get my butt moving!

  36. Favorite Cleaning Tip: Yours of course! Get into a routine. Even if its only one load of laundry a day, and dishes a day. It helps!

  37. Once a month I go through everyones stuff and we donate and trash stuff that hasn't been used.

  38. My favorite cleaning tip is to get things done before I go to bed - especially the kitchen! It feels so much better to wake up and have things clean.

  39. Favorite tip: Spend 30 minutes (At least) picking up clutter! Makes a big difference!

  40. Favorite cleaning tip: using vinegar as a muli-purpose cleaner. I didn't realize it could be used for so much until I got married and was looking for a no-harsh-chemicals cleaner.

  41. My favorite cleaning tip is VINEGAR! I recently learned new ways to use this product...get rid of odors, microwaves, dishwashers, etc.

  42. Stay on top of it everyday so it doesn't get overwhelming :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  43. Stay on top of it everyday so it doesn't get overwhelming :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  44. I keep a toothbrush in my cleaning bucket - so much easier to get into little spaces!

  45. Using products that smell good always makes me want to clean!

  46. A little bit everyday helps so much!! Lindi177 at the gmail dot com

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Divide and conquer! I split up my tasks into daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Then I assign them to a day. When they're done, I don't have to worry about something else because it's on a different day.

  49. Stay on top of it everyday! It won't seem like so much if you do a little everyday!

  50. My cleaning tip is put it away...not down.

  51. Just do it! :)

  52. I'm not sure if my comment went through... here it is again just in case. :) I keep a bottle of watered-down white vinegar on hand for cleaning baseboards, mirrors, etc.

  53. Do a little at a time or deep clean 1 room at a time so you don't get overwhelmed.

  54. I spray down our kitchen countertops every night with water & vinegar and make sure the dishes are put away - this was I get to start the day with a clean kitchen.

  55. My favorite cleaning tip is to schedule it out.

  56. Have a cleaning caddy in the cabinet under sinks so when compnay comes over you can quickly wipe the sink and toilet while you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, spray some room spray, and windex the mirror :)

  57. Clean the kitchen every night before bed. I love waking up to a clean kitchen and it's so much easier to do a little every day!

  58. Declutter the kitchen every night of papers, mail, etc.

  59. I like your bathroom cleaning tips.

  60. Baking soda and vinegar! Absolute miracle workers.

  61. Tip: don't let dusting get ahead of you. Dust builds up so fast and can be a challenge and time-consuming to clean if you are not diligent.
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
    ~ Lisa Brown

  62. I like cleaning the kitchen every night. I wish I was better at doing it because when I don't it just builds up.

  63. Tip: Keeping a sink of warm water ready while you cook. I use it to clean my dishes as I go. Saves so much time after dinner.

  64. Break down cleaning into smaller jobs daily and try to get it finished in the morning so that you have the rest of the day to enjoy!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Learning that I can clean just about anything with natural products has changed my entire cleaning routine! No more headaches from the stinky stuff!

  67. Distilled vinegar is a great natural cleaner. It can be used to clean alot of things.

  68. I try to do the dishes every night (I am the dishwasher!) otherwise it gets to be too much to handle and I quit... so dishes sit there for a few days. Ew. I follow you on reader, love all your info!

  69. Put a load of dishes in before you go to bed and let your dishwasher work while you sleep.

  70. Newspaper is GREAT for leaving windows streak free! Just wipe down your windows with your favorite cleaner (windex or I love vinegar) and then dry with a wadded up newspaper!

  71. Do a little everyday that way your weekend is busy cleaning the whole house.

  72. Baking soda and magic eraser are my best friends for cleaning.

  73. Lysol/Clorax wipes are perfect to keep in every room for those quick wipe downs before someone comes over or as you are going out the door.

  74. Clean a little bit every day!!

  75. Allison Coalson06 April, 2012 12:19

    A load a day keeps the laundry monster away!!

  76. Using baking soda and vinegar throughout the house for a natural cleaner instead or harsh chemicals!

  77. Try to clean in the morning if you have time because sometimes if you wait until the end of the day you'll be too tired to do it!

    Amanda S

  78. Always let the cleaner sit for a least 15 min. it makes cleaning after much easier.

  79. Make ice cubes from white vinegar and run them through your garbage disposal to get it super clean.

  80. Every day do a little bit. Set a 15 min timer if you want. Then things won't pile up so much ands its easier to keep your place looking clean.

  81. My favorite cleaning tip is to always buy different color sponges (and change them often) so that you don't mix them up

  82. My favorite cleaning tip is to set the timer for 10 minutes and do what you can during that time. When you get more time later, do it again!

  83. My favorite cleaning tip is clean often. Then you don't have to clean a huge mess just to do the daily items.

  84. My favorite is to put on music while cleaning because it will help you from getting bored and make the time go by faster.


  85. My favorite tip is to use soda and vinegar for cleaning, it's cheaper and not harmful to your health

    elena150980 at yahoo dot com

  86. My favorite cleaning tip is to use vinegar

  87. i don't let little things pile up


  88. Cleaning the stove right after use. While its still warm.

  89. give my toddler a wipe to clean the french door bottoms

  90. use a dryer sheet on the baseboards to help keep them from getting dusty

  91. get your husband to help you! lol

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  92. when wiping down the counters, do it over an open dirty dishwasher and not the floor!

  93. Baby oil polishes the stinless steel appliances perfectly, and waaaaay cheaper than Stainlss Steel Magic!!

  94. Use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning products. Go green!!!

  95. Do a little bit everyday! I love your schedule- it's what I use in my own house!

  96. I love mapping it out daily for the month and completing it each month. It makes me realize my progress!

  97. Assigning days to certain jobs

  98. Weekly routine... and sticking to it!

  99. Do a little bit every day so it doesn't pile up

  100. amazing and exclusive blog. I love reading your blog.

  101. Easy, just do one room a day... then when it comes time to deep clean you will have the majority done!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).