08 August 2012

done! Command Centers

Back to school time is all about getting back into a routine.  I've been trying to come up with a command center (see my done! list here) that could hold/house all of the things we grab as we head out the door.  Not feeling very inspired, I took to Pinterest to find some inspiration - I have a command center board you can find here:




So I've taken an idea or two, added my own and on Friday you'll see the 'big reveal' - don't get too excited - it'll probably be the simplest command center you've ever seen.


  1. I want to know more about the very bottom picture with the bench and the 3 baskets...I'm in need of a Command Center and I love the way that this looks! The picture is way to small for me to really see though :-(

  2. We just moved into our dream house, and having a command center was part of the plans. You can take a tour here: http://dejongdreamhouse.blogspot.com/2012/03/organizing-command-center.html

  3. Simple is good! I can't wait to see it, and be inspired. :)

  4. simple is great!! I'm excited to see yours..i have been trying to think of one for my own home...but i doubt myself because it is just me and hubby and our daughter who is four...so do we need a command center?

  5. Simple yet very creative.. Organization is the key.. Well done.. two thumbs up for you..


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).