10 August 2012

done! Simple Kids' Command Center

I showed you on Wednesday some great command centers from Pinterest that I've been using for inspiration with a little project.   I know we need some type of command center/launch pad/family station for the kids to keep their school gear and information, but what's enough or too much and what's just right? 
In looking for ideas I found the following things in command centers/launch pads/family stations:
corkboards/white boards/chalk boards
pens/pencils/art supplies
charging/docking stations
So here was my dilemma.  We have mudroom which holds coats and shoes, but keeping school stuff there just didn't work last year.  Our mudroom layout (with dog kennel) couldn't be reworked for this little project.  We have a grown-up launch pad by the phone and wall calendar in the kitchen, but the kids don't have their own space.  So I carved out a little space in my office for the kids' command center.  I told you to not get too excited, because it's super simple, but this is what I came up with.  I thought about what we really needed to make this easier - hooks for backpacks and a way to store/stash important papers to bring back to school.  I thought about using a corkboard and/or a dry erase board, but I just envisioned marker on my walls so that idea went out the window.  I also wanted something that could be changed and scrapped if it didn't work out - in other words, no nails and screws.  So I decided on 3M Command hooks (no pun intended) with the removable adhesive strips. 

I put the larger backpack hooks at kid-hanging level
clear hooks above the hooks for clipboards
(if this works, I'll look for wire baskets like these)

two clear plastic clipboards

the four hooks ready to be put to use

and a simple kids command center is done!

What I like about it?  It puts the backpacks up from the floor, mudroom bench, couch, kitchen table, etc.  It's simple and cheap and can be changed and rearranged as needs change.  My kids are little and for now, this does the trick.
So...are you attempting a command center before school starts?  What are your must-haves to make the space workable?

to see more about done! and to get a free printable, go here


  1. My laundry room is my mud room. So iI have my launch pad (flylady influence) in my kitchen. I have 8 wooden hooks that my father in law made. I have an ikea bench that that shoes, hats and mittens go in it cost me maybe 125.00. I love it and it has worked for 2 years. I will still get many years out of it. I had to make room for it. That was a process but so worth it!

  2. With 4 school kids (and 2 more to come), this is a constant battle for us. I love this idea as they can see what's on the clipboard. I'm all over this! Thanks so much. @Michelle: the flylady saved my sanity at one time but I've fallen off the wagon and can't seem to get back on. :/ but working on it. Got my shoes and socks on this fine morning...


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).