10 March 2010

Works For Me Wednesday - Recipe Binders

My name is Becky and I love binders.  My go-to binders are the big ones in my kitchen with my favorite recipes.  They feed my addiction to magazines, or is it the other way around?  Once a month or so I sit down and go through my magazines and clip recipes to try.  Then I put them into a plastic sleeve and then into the appropriate category in the appropriate binder.  I have two recipe binders - one for desserts and one for everything else (can you see where my loyalty is?).

Each section has a label and a pretty piece of cardstock to reinforce the divider and to look pretty.  I make the labels on my label maker so that they print vertically.  Then, I attach the label to a piece of cardstock and use packing tape to attach the whole thing to the plastic sleeve.  It's putsy, but I like the effect. 

I love to cook and bake and try new recipes, so this is a great solution for me.  It also keeps the paper piles down to a minimum and I don't have to rewrite recipes on recipe cards.  I print out recipes from the Internet, photocopy favorite recipes from cookbooks and family recipes to keep in the binders.  How do you keep your recipes?  I'd love to hear your ideas.  I'm linking this up to Works For Me Wednesday at Rocks In My Dryer.


  1. Wow that's a lot of recipes! And very organized too.

  2. I too am a binder girl! I LOVE the idea of a dessert binder and a "everything else" binder. Great idea on the tabs...see a project in my near future!!

  3. Great idea... I've just recently posted about my meal planning and this fits in with that system. I have my binder organized by my "theme" nights... Mexican, Asian, American etc.

  4. Hmm, I might have to try this for some of my *absolute* fav go to recipes. Seems cute anyway! What I currently use is Evernote. Since I'm a teeeensy bit retentive anyway, it really works for me. I load it up with every recipe (or even decorating ideas since I love to go all out) and I can tag and cross-tag until it's completely documented. Then, since it is web based, I can pull up the 'note' wherever I am on my phone and check the recipe while I'm grocery shopping, or print it at a friend's house. Really cool stuff, you should check it out. (Did I mention the whole thing is free?). You gave me some great ideas, thought I would share. <3!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).