16 November 2009

Rethinking Leftovers

I plan a menu and grocery shop every week.  I make dinner every night. Actually, I really enjoy the process and I love to cook (proof in recipe binders).  Lately, I've been checking out a stack of cook books from the library and trying recipes.  I copy ones that are really good and return the stack at the end of the month and get some more.  I have a large cookbook collection, but now before I buy a new one, I have to love at least three recipes from the cookbook.

All of this being said, I don't have a lot of time to cook and I have two littles running around in the kitchen while I'm cooking.  So how can I make this an easier daily event?  I broke a rule that I had made for myself when I married my husband.  (I never told him about it, so it was easy to break).  I started making food intentionally so that we'd have leftovers.  I always thought about leftovers as "oh that again", but now as a busy mom, it's an "I don't have to cook night". 

My new mantra?  Cook every other night.  That I can do.  I either make a large enough batch of something so that we eat it for two nights, or something like a chicken or a roast and turn it into something different and easy.  When I can make a double batch to freeze ahead, I do that too and then some weeks I only have to cook once - it's my own staycation.

Here are last and this weeks' menus:
Monday: Turkey Sandwiches
Tuesday/Wednesday: Shepherd's Pie
Thursday: Winter Salad with Refrigerator Yeast Rolls (made enough to freeze for Turkey Day)
Friday/Saturday/Sunday: Crockpot Beef Stew
Monday/Tuesday: Chicken in Herbed Mustard Sauce (from the freezer)
Wednesday/Thursday: Mushroom and Spinach Lasagna (freeze one pan/eat one pan)
Friday (maybe Saturday): Beef Stroganoff
Saturday/Sunday: Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole (from the freezer)

What do you do to streamline your kitchen time?

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