03 December 2009


I know baseboards are probably at the bottom of your cleaning list, or something that you never thought to clean, but being the Clean Mama that I am, I'd like to discuss them.  I love clean baseboards.  We have white trim in our house, so with two kids and a large dog the baseboards can look dingy in a hurry.  I used to clean baseboards with white paint - you know, just cover up the scuffs.  But that takes some setup and sometimes the paint can gets knocked over and then there's a whole new mess.  I have been known to use a bucket with hot soapy water and a rag.  Then the Mr. Clean scrubby things came out and those worked really well at getting scuffs and smudges out, but then they turn into an icky shrively (probably not a word, or spelled right, but oh well).  Then, I started using Shaklee products.  Ahhh, a clean freak's dream come true.  I have experimented with the Basic H2 and I have experimented with the Basic H2 wipes and have found the BEST remedy for icky baseboards:  Shaklee's Basic H2 Organic Cleaning Wipes.  I am picky about cleaning and products, but these wipes really clean and they take off black scuff marks, finger prints, greasy food splashes.....   I have also used them on walls when I see a smudge or fingerprint as I'm going around the baseboards.   No paint cans, no buckets, no rags, no scouring pads to rinse off.  And they're biodegradable, so you just toss the dirty ones in your recycling bin.  Seriously, do yourself (and your baseboards) a favor.   Try the wipes - you'll love them.  And if you don't, they're 100% guaranteed, so you can get your money back.

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